Minutes 1940-11-06
Arroya ~rande~ ~aliP.
l~to~. 194E).
Ci~y ~ouncil me~ ~n re~ular sessiofl ~ri~h ~ar J.S.Gib~on
r~F~ a ~
presid~ngn roll c~ll ~auneilmen Phil.~igs,S~hnyder anci T~e2awdes~
reported gresent.Abse~~ ~auneilman ~Iiit~aek.
~ir~utes of previou:~ me~t.ing read and gppraved as read.
~ommt~xiications read gnd c,rciered pl.aced en file.
_ ~t~ g~
R~~oZ~f.icsn decYar~ng tha~ Edwin ~g and J.Whitlock a~e
owners of' that c~rt~in premtses situated in the City of Arroya
Gr$n~ie~de~cr~bed a~ Iats 8~q~I~~and II in B~c~~k26~aP'~he Be~ke~~
~rewn Hi~I ~ddition.
I~eel~~r~~ ~ha~ with the cansent and apgrovai of the said
owners a Li~n h~s been Zev~ed ag~in~~ this said property in the
amaunt a~ ~Q.Qf~. Said amount ta b~ ~z~ecT f~r Side~ral~ ~ons~ruetian
6York. The sum oi` ~Im.04 having previous2y ~een pazd €~n aeEOUnt the
remaining balance of ~~C~.OQ stands as a~ lien ag~inst. this prvpert~r
un~I it~ is ftzlly p€~id.
~~ssed ~nd adopted b~r the f`olzQ~ng vote on roll eallz
t~~~ ~t7ETN~IL~dEN GIBaC3I'~~ F~I~.t.SFS ~ SCH1tTS~ER ~RTI3 TH~,~iNDER.
P~'t3~: I4~E. ~
~BSENTs ~C7II1~'~ZL~T ~1HI'I'T~~.
~o~.~rra~v ~
Resol~xtion ~hanging ~he k~ta~er Rates to be eharged t~e General
Publie~ begining w~tIz ~fi~ me~er reading af
Dee.2o,194a as follows,
~ar the minfrr~m af` $2.00 ~he cansumer wil~, be all4wed IOE~C? c~zbie
Peet ~nste$d of the present ama~xnt of 8~0 cubic f~et~ and red~ze~n~
the rate an ~he next IQpp cixbie feet to I~ cents per IpQ c~zbie ~`eet.
~`or alI aditional qu~nt,ities ~he rate ~o be I~ cents per I0o eubie
Pa~ssed and adopted by the follow:ing va~e on roll e~II.:
~BSF.~: ~~~I~~T WFiI~O~K.
elaims against the General F'und ~n the a:mount o~` $I~I.~9 and
the '~~Ater F~znd in the amount of ~I2~~.~,4 ~ere: auditedi~pproved and
ordered paict.
No f~ZZrther business appearing and ~xpon motion the meeting r~s
adjourned. _
~ ~ . .
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