Minutes 1940-11-20 ~o~ ~ ~ Arroyc~ Grande ~ ~al.iE". ~ _ 20 ~ ~g4Q. ~ity ~oun~il met i~ reg~I~ ~ession ~it~ ~yar d.S.Gib~an pr~sidin~: €Ipari roll eall C~uaeilmen Phillfpal~ttQek~Schnyder ~nd Thela~nder repart~d pr~esent. Absent none. ~.inu:tes o~' pre~ioczs ~teeting read and apprQUed as read. ~o~~nieatic+ns read and: cardered placed on fil.e. .A eammittee c~£` Citizen~ appeared i~efore the Council and presented a petitic~n af` t~x payers resi_ding in the Janes Sul3divisiQn asking for an imprc~aement c~~ cQnditicans relat~ng ta ' street I.tghting and ta street and side~ra].~ I.evel.s and sur~aces. T~i;is ma-tt~er ~a~ diseusseei at c~nsiderable Zength as it led into a review Q~ ~am~ c~~' the p3~~oblem~ e.Qnneeted ~rith the 1~.P.~D,.Projeet. The: ~owteiT a.~eed ~o take ~h.is matt~er under a.d~rise~ent and si~fied a v~illingness ~Ga aff~rd any relie~' within thei~ power. t~ l~mited discussian re~ul~ed from the bring~ng up c~f isst~es connecteed ~ri.~h the: sanit~ry ~o~sing o~ Iivestock ins~de the ~i~y Iimitsx~..tsa ~ea ~g ~as the matter o~ shou~der surfaees a~~ng the ~aZ. Higl~~y R ~~.I:aim argain~~ the General ~nci in the amount of ~{aQ. f}Q ~as au~diteds apPr~ved and ordered pa~ri. ~To E~rtt,Izier ~usinesa appearir~g ~nd upon mottan t.he ~teeting i~l#1~ 3:t"~j OL1r'II@d. W , crr~ x. ~o~ . •