Minutes 1940-12-18
20~ ~
. ~rrogo Gr~nde ~ Cal~f'. ~
I~ee . ~8, 194E}.
City Co~ncfl. met in re~uZar session. Upan rc~~l eall
Couneil~en Phillip~lSehnyder and Thelander reported presen~.
~ibs~~-t ~~e ~aunEiTman ~tloek and ~ayQr Gib~c~u. In the absence
og ~a~ ~ibson ~h~ ehs~r v~as oeeupied I~~r Cotzneilman ~hnyder
as ac t~ng ~rc~~ .
~r C~aren~e Btxrr~el.I ~rinci:pal oP' tfie Arrayo .Grande i~"nion
Fiigh ~chot~I appeared be~~re the eauncii wit~i a p~~itic~n that cerf.ain
Yots aa ~ra~n F~i~I. recen~ pcrr~chased by t,Iie H,~gh Sehool be ex~mpt
~ram ~it~ taxe~. ~~r ci~seus~fan it ~as ~rgre~d tQ pa8pane a decisio
On this un~;i:I the nex~ Cc~uuefl meeting.
~intit~:s~ o~` the pr~viaus meeting read and agproved a~ read.
~c~~n~~atiQns read and ordered plac ed on t`ile .
~r Burrell alsQ requested that the C~ty ~cquire from ~.he
State eer~a~n progert~ an Crav~n. HfII described as Lc~t ~9 a~f HIoc~C 2~.
TI~s prop~r~~r ta 1~e iater purchased by the High Sehoc~I f'rc~m t~e City.
Ugon mat.~Qn regular~y mad~~seconded and carried the Cit,y ~t~orn~y
~ras inatrue~ed tt~ f.ake th~ n~cessar~ Ie~~€.t stegs to make possil~Ie
the granting oP this request.
~L d~t4CYI8S~0Y1 betweea the ~ouneil and ~.Burrell eoncerning
~he permar~~ut c~cssing of a partion o~ ~cKinley S~.reet resulted in
t.he C~uuncil. a~reeing ~at ~.he ~fgh aehooZ acquire the services oE' .
a compe~.ent Surve~ror ~n ~rder tha~ any required measure:ments ean be
A mot3an made by-Couaei2man TheI.anderl:seeonded by~ ~ouncilman
5ehnyder and ~nanimous~r pass~d~inst.ruc~ed the ~lerk to forward te
a Zett~~~ of ~ammend~tton indicat~ng thefr appraQal oP
h~ s work as .~dt . ~urveyor .
~ mot~an was reg[xlar2y moved~secanded and carried i~strueting
the ~it~:~Yat~r ~up~L. ta extend the ~ity water line Qn Tallyho ~t.
far an additiona~ I~"~Q Peet in order ~o serve s~verai ue~ ~~ter
consumers. It w~~ ~Iso a,~eed ta install one addi~ional Pire h~rdrant
oa ~s new iin~.
- Claims a~air~st ~he Ge~era?~ Furtd in the amount oP «2~
ar~d th~ Sp~cial ~a~ T~ S~. ~mprovemen~, F~ad in t~e amc?unt af =
$ 3.4~`.36 wer~ audited~appraved and ordered pgid.
Na f~zrtl~~r bus~ness appearing and upon motian the meeting
was adjourned. '
~ r
.~T"~".~ . ~
~'IT~'' C~F~K. D~Yt?R.
~ ~