Minutes 1941-01-02 ~V 0 ' ~L`Pt1~fiQ ~T`$21t~E'. ~ ~Sl~~. .TBt~. ~ s I~4~. C~.t~ ~a~n~il met in regular sess~ar~ v~rith ~Iayor J.S.E~~bac~n pres id.~ng. t~gan ro~.l ca1T- Coune~.3..m~u ~~i~T~ipsll~'hi~.3.ae~c,5~2~aye~er and The2ander report~ed present..~bs~n~ n~ne. l~in~ztes ef previc~us meet~n~ read a~d apprQ~tea as regd.~s~ea~~ic Ga~eations read and ardered glaeed on file. RESt?~TIQI~t ~ IQE3 ResQ2utia.n an the par~ aF' the Ci~y Co~tneil~~ ac~eptir~ ~i~.T:e to tha.t str~p c~~ Ia:nd on Tall~ha S~ree~ ffienf.ianed ~n the ~n~tes of th~ Couiici~. 3teeting o~ Dec.4~I~~~ as conveyed hy deed sigr~ed by~ ~dr.and ~s. J.~.Becke~~ under da~e oP Dee.T9,z9~a. ~ass ~d and adopted by the f o7.? ow~ing vate ~n roll cal1. ~OUN~~ GI'BSf~N ~ FHII.IfIP~ ~ G~HITLC3CK ~ S~FiNY'DF~~ THELANI~ER . NOES. I~t~l~. ~BS~T'~. I~tOI~E. ' RF.S'~~II'FIQI'~ ~ Resa~utic~n Qn ~he part og the ~ity Couneil ~sn~el~ng aII Cit~ ' t.~uces that ~er~ delinquen~ on-~ea~- ~.c~'~as ~ x 4I ~ ~ ~ j and in Black 2~ af Sec'ket~~ s~ro~n ~II ~dd~.tion. TT~ese were the La~s recently gurchassed by the ~~h Sehoo~ from Laura ~.and I3arral P'. ~taiters and deseri~ied an Pa~e 3~ ef ~he 194E}-4I ~issessment Roll. ~ P`~,ssed and adQptred l~y th~ follovring vo~e on rQll ealI:. ~AYE~. ~Ot3I~fCILI~EN GIBSC)N ~ PHI~L~P~ ~VdH~TL£}~K ~ ~CH1A3~I3ER ~ THF~.~DEf~ . NQES. NC?N~. ,~BS~'~'. N(~NE. ~ considerable discussivn r~sulted f'rom a detaiied review a~ th~ t~.P`.:A. Sidewalk Improvement Prc~~ eet.5ubmitted ta the Couneil ~rere Figures p~epared by R.B.~~i.neau ~ showin~ tatal. aidewalk e~enditt~rea '~o ~ee.~, r94a,a:~so t~otaz of contributi~ns to th~t da~e.The Cac~neil decided that while the wet we~ther contirnzes that only that most pressing portion of` the side~raZk: u~ork be dane and later in the seasan ~r~2en settled ~eather comes to eomplete an~r ~aalance tha~ they m~ deem req~zir~d. The Council refused to ~ake ou~ a membership in the Leag~e of ~aliP`arnia ~iti~s fc~r the year Ig4I. The Ci.ty Attorney ~r.Van ~~lormer gave the ~ounc~I an opinion on the proper Iegal procedure in acquiring t~itle ta I.and that h~d been deeded to the 5tate a~d then after~ards selling said Iand ~,o the ~ High S~~ioaT. :'~lfter a shart dis~ussion i~ c;ras agreed to dePer a d~cisian c~n this un~ill a later meeting. Claims: against the Gen~ral F*und in the amaunt oP ~~~I.69 and the ~ia~~e~ ~tu~d in th~ amount of $~Q3.~~ wer~ auditedlapproved and ardered gaid. l~a ftrr~ther business agpearing and upon motian the meeting ~as ac3,~ourned. ~~t , - ' ~ (/lJ ~ !/(1 • ~ ~TY K. ~X~t~R. ,