Minutes 1941-01-15 208 ~
t~rrQ~o Graade1 Cali~. ~
. ~~n. I~`! I~~~.
~ityr ~ou€nei~ in regrzlsr sessiQn~ ~ith :~,yor J.a.
Gibsan prestc3tng.
tTgan rQII c~II ~a~eilm~a Phil.Itp~s,Vit~itml.o~~~Sc~rder
anci Theiander repQrt~~ gr~s~a~.~hsent~ none.
~i~tes ag previ~us meetirtg read snd'~ ~PPro~ed ~s read.
'I`here ~rere na comm~nicatiaas to t~e read a~ t.h~s
m~@t,lII~. . , . ,
Rxi affe~ an t.he par~ of' ~r.J.A.Heekett ta s~~~ ~o the
~ity ~ ~tra~e~ a~ Iand ~n f.he ~a~.I~~ Vie~ Tract for $ ~ ~ aQV.C~3 '
~ra~ discu~sed '~y~ frhe ~o~nciZ considerable Iength. This land
has b~ea ~i~ ~i~Ge af fi.he ~rroyo ~rar~de ~4'.~.~. ~~P:and th~ reason
for gur~~ias~ wc~~zzd be to tzs~: tY~is Iand as a site ~~r ~~f ~y Pau~k.
, Upon motian.~y ~ounci2man Thelsnder s~d re~Isriy seea~d~d by
Councilmaa Whitlack~the Ca~ncil agreed by u~;animoc~s vote ~o sceept
- this of`f'er.Cert.afn of the ~xact terms connected ~th ~his deal
s.ueh as time anci t~ra~ af` paymen~ w~re def
ered r~nti~ a Iater
III.G @t~.~ w
ln ofFer Qn the pa~r~ of certain PismQ Beac~ A~thorit~~s
ta trade t~iv°a ~f t&e sa~Ilex~ C.G.~.C~ b~ildin~s far t,he Iar~er
one reeent,~y aequir~d by t~s ~i~y fram the Fed~ral ~vi~. ~ras
g~ven a Iimfted c~~e~ssion. ~ deeisf.an o~ tI~i~' ~as d~Pered gending
a person~I ~nspectian on tlie gart ~f` the C'aunci~..
~r.Vart '~o~er the City d4t~or~e~r natified tI~~
CQUnefl abo~~ Fa~'t„s re~ating to ~.he ptxre~ase of Cit~ 2and deeded
to the state ~nd to be res~Id tv ~.he High ~hooZ.Se stated th~t
he I~d adv~sed ~he ~iighn. ScI~aol as to nec~ssary procedure and of
th~ ~assiUilit~ that t,h~re mi,gFit rem~in a cloud az~ the title~
~ and t.h~at ~h~y had inF'or~aed him o~ their ~illingue~s to e thfs
ris.k. ~tpon z~at,ian by ~ouneiiman Thelander~ ~ecoaded by Cotaneilmaa
~cI~s~c~e~ and appraved hy ~fie Council a~~hout d~s~~ttixtg vote
f`Qr`ra~ an~tt~i??c~rt~atiaa ~s giver~. ta enter iat~a a~n a~eement an
t~eha~~ of.' th~ city af` .~rroyo Gr~~de~~th the ~e~mt~t of ~an
Luis: O~isgc~ sfar the purchss~ ~f' vt g irt Becket~, s Cro~ra HiI~.
~ddifi.ia~n ~F the ~ity af" ~rro~o Qrande~p~rstrant ta the pravi,sio~s
oP Sectiaa 3$~7~d of th~ Politica2 ~ode~Por ~ total gurchase pr~ee
of ~r,2.~`(~. ,
~laim~ a~ainat the G~~ieraI. Func~ inthe amaunt of $ 36.2I
a~d the Sge~ial Gas Taic ~f.ree~ 3'mprvve~~nt Ftmd in th~ a~oua~
aF ~ Ib~.4U were attdited~approtted anc`i ardered paid.
~Q furth~r busines~ appearing and upon motio~ the
~neetin~g was adjoc~rned.
:AT~`E~. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~
G~ • I~l~.