Minutes 1941-03-05 211
4m ~rraya~ Grsnde~ ~a~Iif
` . I~4I.
Cit~ Co~ncil met in regular session with M~yor J.S.Gibson
UpQn ~oll call Couneilmen Fhil~igs! ~5chnyder a~d
Thelander rego~ted gresent.~bsen~ ~QUncilman ~f.I.acIs.
It~nut~s a~ greviac~s meetiz~g read and agproved as read.
Cc~~icatic~ns read and o~dered ~iled.
The on.t~ carnm~~ca~ian af importtlance read at this ~neetin~
~as ~ peti~ic~n frt~m the Baard of Trustees of the ~rroya Grande
t1r~~.Qn High Schaol a.sking ~'Qr a camcellatian of aZl ~it~ ta.~es
against ZQts I~:nd ir~ Block 2~ a~ Becketts Cro~rn H~II ~dditian.
~z.u~ra~ ~ zQ~
~esaZutiar~ og the part Qf the ~ity ~oua~~i~ ea~celing ~II ~
Ci.t~ taa~ees ~gainst Iots I and ~ in B~ock 2'~ Qf Beck~:tta ~~av~m
HiLI i~ldditian.Th~~e ~rere t~e Iots receAt.llr gurchased by the
~h 5chaal frc~m Ear~I ~oad and descr~bed on Psg~ c~f the
144Q-4I n~asessment RvII.
P`~ssed. and adap~ed by the folla~i~g vate oa roll cs:I~.
; :~lYE:. C~~ILMEI~i G~39Q2~I,PHIL,LIFS~9~T~kF~I~ 8c TH~L~AN~ER.
~ I"~t~I'„S. 1~(7~:.
~QUI'~CI~9.t~ ~iSTLt7CK.
~ ~~u~rQ~r ~a3
Resolution appro~ring report c~f Se~.E~wing~Supt~.ai'` S~re~t,s ~
sho~ari~ that T.~l.Robinsan ~ras served proper Iegal notice an Dec .
ZIl1940 tc~ cor~menee sid~walk repairs in Pront o~ his praper~y
an Branch St.That as 2~ resul~ of` such work no~G being star~ed
v~ithin ~he required three da~ Timi~.~that these repairs were made
by t~i.e ~i~~ a cas~ af ~ 24.~4 and ~herefore this amo~zrst beeomes
a lien agains~ said property unless ga~d within five d.ays af~er
the gassage o~ this resolution.
~ F°'assed and a~dopted: by ~he fcrllowing vote on roll call. ~
:-:I~C#ES• N4NE.
:~s~. ~au~rez~ ~~~u.
RESOr~r~~ ~ ra~
~esolution agproving ard arecep~ing de~d to tract o~ Iand
pu~chgsed by the City from d«~A.Beckett and deseribed as AIT af
Bloeks 3:~ ~s 6~ and in the Va1Zey ~ieyr Tra~et..
~assed and adop~ed bf ~h~ ~ollowing vQte on rall e~,II.
;~.YE;S . ~~UNC IL~fEN GIBSC'lN ~ PHI~LIF~i ~ S~HNYD~ & THF.~N'DER .
NOES . N't3NE .
d~BS~N'~. C(~U~TCII~T ~~L,f1CK.
Up~n ~aotion by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Couneilman
Thelander and passed withou~G dissent i~ was agreed to make the
lic_ense fee for outside bakeries $ I2.~~ per quarter,be~inin~
with the second qua~rter oF 194I.This revokes the mo~,ion p$ssed
_ at ~he Couneil meetin~ of ~eb.~~194I,~~,rhich set the Pee at $ I~.Of7
- per quarter.
The Council and the City ~ttarney held diseussion at
cor_siderable len~tfi cancerning the installation of sewers in the
Western ~ddition.l~a definite aetion was taken at this meeting
. ~ ~ ~
212 ~
~ , :~rrayo Grande~ EaliF~ ~
~~r. 194I.
~ ~ ~~NTINUED ~
The ~ouncil went on record as etz~horizing and instructing
all Cit,~ Off~cials an~ autharities to enforce the pravisians
contained in the City Building Ordinance No.4~
discussion was held by the Counci27the City ~ars~i~ll
and the atreet S'cipt.coneerning reckless driving and speeding on
Branch Street near the Ba~k corr~er.The ~t.Supt~.was ordered to
a~rrange for the installatian af ~wo signs on Branch St. at the
intersec ti o:~ af Bridge and Neu~~eda Streets ~~rra~ged so as ta eontro7,~
both East and '~~test bound traffic.~ siiailar si~n vv~s ordered plaeed
at: the ea st end of Citerry Atre .
~uditer H..~6..Trtzesdale ~~~ended this meetin.~ and gaue the
baa~fid a repart concerning his ~'~ndings of the variaus departments
of City business.
~la~ against thc General ~und in the am.ouua~t of ~ I444.59
~.he ~ater Frund in the amoun~ af ~~I$.~4~and the 9pl.Gas Tax Street
I~rQVemen~ F~und in tIie ~mcunt_ of
248.QQ were aud~ted! appraved
anc~ ordered patci. _
Nc~ further busine~s appearing and upon motion t~.he neeting
~ras~ ad
j r~urned . ~ ~
I}1I~7'{t~~# , . _ _ as- .
1.1 LN`7~1 f .
C C . ~OR.
_ ~