Minutes 1941-04-16
216 ~
~rrQya Gcrs~nde, eal~~`. y
April 16 ~ 194~I . ~
~it~ Cauncil ~et in regu.tar sessi~n ~rit,Ii ~,yor J. 5.
Gibsor~ presiding.
t7pan roll egll ~ouncilmen Phillips~Schnyder° anc~ Thelande~
repor~Ged present. ~ib8en~ Caune3:lman ~ift3.o~k.
~in~~ea oF'prevfous meet;ing read and appraved as read.
Comrt~aication~ read and ardered gtled. ~
The sabj~e~ of local radia inter~erenee was dis~ussed and
the Clerk wras instruet~d ta PQrward a letter of thanks to the
P.G.& ~a. commending the ~nccessft~l resul~s achieved.by their
expert in reeent local wor~ oP tfiis kind.
~ eor~sidera~~ale d~scussion was held eancerning ftii`,ure
sidewalk eonstruetion. The Couneil agreed that any pled~es
~hat ha~d been ms.de in reg~rd ~o sidewalks and wa31s ahould be
The Councill advised Supt. Ewing to pro~eed v~it~hh the
e~n$truction of the sidewalks as his judgement indicated.
Ugon inquiry by Supt~. EEw~u~ coneerning improvements on
R:ena Street he was instructed b;~ the Council ~o proeeed u~ith
thi:s wc~rk.
The ~our~cil orderes that the perind from ~pri1 26~`.ti. ta
~~y ~rd. b~ designated as cle~n rzp week an.d during that period
the ~i:ty t~ek~ v~ould be avaiZable for the haulin~ af
f of
~rass and weeds anly. ,
The Cou~eil ardered Supt.Ewing ta lay in immediately a
stock of neeessary ~`ater Dept.snppl.ies.~dainly ~his comprised
n~v~ meters and 200fS fee~ o~ ~hree q~arter ineh pip~.
City ~arshaT l~or~on advised tha~ City ~ieenses Na.322E}~ .
~242 ~~I~2 ~ 31~ c~c 3~$7 be e~ncelZed. Upon motion by ~orz~cilman
~hflli~~~secox~ded by Councilman ~ehn.yd~r anci ~r~imor~s3.~r passed
the ~Qt~neil ~ppraved the caneelli~ag of the above numbered
Upo~ motiion by Councilrnan Thelander~seconded by Councilman
F'hillips and pasaed ~ thau~ dis~e~t ~he eouncil ruled that the
" lice~2se far aut~icle el~~ners be raised to ~ 6.Q~ per qnarter.
~1ft~r leng~thy discussion Councilman Th~lander moved anei ~
eounetZman Sc~nyd~r seco~cied a motion .to set ~he Ih~nce Fi~Il
licens~ ~ee ~t ~~.a4 per dance.~otion ~cppraued with~ut dit~sent.
Ion.g re~iew cor~cernin~ ~h~ Fire E~;gine problem was held
but no de~i~~te conclusian was reaehed at this meetin,~.
No furf.her busi~tess appearin~ and upon mation th eting
was aci: j ourned .
~iTTE~~. ~ ~ A
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