Minutes 1941-05-07 _ - 217
~rroya Grande ~ ~~laf`.
' ~~,y z9~-z.
City Cauncir met in regular session with ~ayor J.S.
'Gibsor: ~residine.
Upo~ ro~I ~all Cour~cilmen P`hil~Z~:~s ~ V~'hitlack~ SehFr_yd~r
a~d Thelander re~ort~d present.~U~er~t nane.
~~i:nutes of p, e~aious meeting read and ~pproved as read.
Comrnunications read and ordered f
~i del~g~.tion Q~' local citizens ap~eared beFore the
Cou~.c~.I. ~o grotest the ar.iount af increase of the Dance
License Fee ~s set at the Coun~il~meeting af ~,pril 16th.
~,fter detai~ed review and lengthy diseussion C~~nci1.'n~.n
~'hillips moved ~nd Cou~eilman ~~tloek seconded a motion
to reduce tYie Dance Hall License Fee to ~ I~.SQ per c~uarter.
This motion was una~ima~usly passeci by the Council.
, Pr~~Ent, at this meeting car~~ C.L.Co~row to ir~c~uire
as to the ~laceing of a YeZ]:o~r Saf`ety '~~rning Light at the
intersection of the ~eft hand turn off of YJest Brar~~h Street
with th~ IOZ Highw~:y.The eouncil agreed tQ rriake a check on
this sugges ~icn v~ith the State Hi~;h~~ay Dept.
A representative fra~n the 5tate Forestry Service ~ppeared
to asl~ the C~uncils permisszor. to use one of the former S.C.S.
buildings~lccated o~ t:.~e City ~ark 5ite ~a hause a group of
. ~irE fighters ~rha uvould lae stationed here auring tY~e dry
' seasan. Upon motion by Couflcilman ThelaMder~secanded by
Coun~ilman Phillips and unanimousl.y passed the Council 2greed
to this request.
. • A~e~itio~ asxin~; that a`Street Light be ir~stalled at
the intersection of G2sden St.~~ith LEedhan Lane ~~ras t~bled
by the ~eur~~il. far the Fresen~t ti~e.This tnra.s on ~ m~tian by
Cou~~iI.man Philligs,s~~aHded bx Cou~cilmaai t~Vhitlaek and
~ passed ~arithoizt dissent. ,
~ lon~ revie~~r ~f the Fir~ Engine p,r~blem r~sulted in a
motion b;,- Coc~n~ilman '~JhitTock~seeonded by Counci~.man
Thelander~and u~animously passed that a pa~~ notic~ be
printed in ±~~e Ioeal paFer ~alZing For,bids an a Fire Engine
that embodied certain required designated ~pecifications•
~ diseus4ion between the Coun~il and the City ~lttorney
eoncerning the sewer problem in the `~Yestern Additior~ resulted
in the Cou~;cil rEe~uestin~; the ~~ttarney to prepare a form
letter ~nhich wi~h a r~tura ~astal would ~e mailed ta eaeh
prgg~rty owner in that district.The pur~4se of ~his being
to aseerta.in the sentinent of the proper_ty o~ers regarding
sewer insta.3.Iation.
Claims against thenGener~I F'ur~d ir~ the a~aunt of
$ 961.46' a~d the uYater Ftizid in th~ amc~unt of $ Z22~.8Q wer~
a~zditedla~proved and ardered paid.
Na further ~usiness agpearing ~nd upan ~ot~am the
meeting was adjouraed.
. . ~~~,V~,
eITY C . (~L~ffiAY~R.