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Minutes 1941-05-17
. ~ r f ~ . ~t-. ~ . ;~rrayo Gra~ie~Cel~.f. ~ ~Y =?~194I• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPE~I~II. ~:ET~ QF ~ARRE?YQ G~ii~D~ CZ~ CC~IL• P8 'E~~ - ~YQR GTBS~}P~ ~ ~QUN~IL~EN PHII..I?~P5 ~WHI~~ & S~~ .~B~ ~ ~C7tI~II.~ TSEL+~E~• , Ci~y Council ~t ~n ~peci~I ~essic~n ~'or the Purpo~e o~` eensidering and adoptir~g a pragosed reso~utsion consent.ir~ ~a tY~e mul~igl~ ~af the re~indi~:g~by tbe Board ~f Sup~rvisorsvemen~D stri~~~os:~~~~d ~ og indeb~edm:ess o~' +~equ~~itEion a~:d I~~ said C~uffi~t under the R~P~,inciing ~saes~memt Bond ~ct o~` Ig~~' ~s amende8.. The C~erk report~d tha~ he ha.d on ~`ile in h~s off~ce a conaent ~o - the halding of this gge~ial meeting~signed by s~11 memb~rs a~ this ~it~ Cou~cil~ d~ seeonded bp ~au~eilm~n Phil].tp+~' Upan ~tio~ '~y Caunei~.mar~ ~h'~Y ~ and u~~imou~Iy ~dopted! it ~as ord~~ed that ~sa~id. cansent be entered, in " ftxll in the mi~utes af th~s meeti~g• ca~~~ To ~ ~ ~c~ Q~ ~ ~r~€ ~c~~e~ o~ ~ e~~ ~~~a ~1e~~Gh~ und~si~ed member~ o~ fi.he eitg ~ou~he ~ioldi.~g af a~p~~ial ~Ar~roya Gra~el~alifornia=da hereby caasent ~o meeting of sa~.id City Cauncil ~or ~.he pcxrPose of eonaid~ri~ a~nd adc~p~ing a. a gropo~ed resalutian ca~se~~ng ~ tlie mc~.It3.ple ciistri:e~ rei`~nc'~ing~by . the Baard o~ ~~~`visars o~~ ~ Luis ~bi~ge ~ou~tg~af ~he iadebtedness of ~[cquiaition gnd ~rov~m.ea~t ~istrict ~os.~ ~nd 3~l c~f saeid ~QV~'~g under f.he Ref`~udir~g ~ssessment BQnci .~.ct o~ I~3~, ~a ~me~ied~ ~~zch speciaEl. meeti~g t,o ~be ~ield ~ I'~ ~~94Z s at t~ie ha~ o~ t~~QC~ the i reg~ar meetiMg p~~c~ o~ ssid Ci~ Cauncil. ~To~3.~e a~ s~~h sg~ei~. meetin~ is hereb~ ~raiv~d. F~I~d in my of`~'iee this 17t~h. c~ af. I~f~94l~a~t tbe hour c~f' 2 oclc~k P~. G%~c~---~ W'W~ z~ a~ ~c~~ ~,e~~~a~. ~~?tr~rzo~ ~ ~Q'~ ~esc~lution the Ci~y Co~ci2 af° th~ Ci~ a~ .~?rraga Gr~nde ~as~i~orr~ia?conse~ting ta th:e ~ultiple Di~t~3.e~ Ref~ndi~g c~P tehe ~ , 3~ ~f t,~:+ I~t7.ebt~e3me~sa ~f ~qui~it:~.an ~nd~r~~. eme~t I~i~triet Noa•3 ~ou~t~r o~ ~an Iazis (~bis~sa ~Cali~` Pas~~~ ~8 adopted 'by the fallo~ng vote Qn roll c~2: G~4YEa• CQU~IL~ ~IB~C3A~F~I?LIP~3~i~IT~A~K ~i1ND ~GHNYT~R• 1~C~. NC?~'E. dlB~. C(~NCI ' ~~r ' ~To f'~rther 'E~s3.~:ess appe~r~.ng anc~ ~zpon ~ the me~ti~g ~tas adjourne8. G`.(.~ ~ * . ~T'1'FS~. • ~ IT7~ • Z her~b~ ~ertifg tba~ th~ abawe ~nd fo~eg;ai~g ~s a i°"c~Il~tru~ a~ e~ the mi~ut~s a~ the sgecial. ~eet~.ng of t~e Ci~g` ~a~ci~ corre~t copy ~ I 4I. , Qf th~ City o~ .~~rc~~o ~rs~3~ ~.eld ~r 9 G~~ LU' l~'~ ~ o ~ a c~. v'~-~ ~ }n .~rroyo: r~~~ss~e,cal~.i~. ~ ~ ~ay z7,z9~z. ~ ~ SPECI.~. ~EETIl~'G 0~' .~?RRC7~Q ~D~I ~I~'Y ~C7tfl~t~IL. Prese~t R~ayor Gibsa~ ar~d Cot~ncilmen Phillips~~hitZoek ~nd Sehatyder . ~bsent Coun,~ilman ~'hel~der. City Counei~ me~. ira special session for the purpase of eonsidering and adoptirig a proposed resolution co~sentin~ to the multi.pZe distr~c~ refunding~by the Board o~ Superuisors a~ San Ia.iis Obispo Cotznt~~r~a~` the ind:ebtedrze~s~ of Acqu~siticsn and ~mprovemen~ ~istrict Nos• ~ and 3A of' said Count~y under the l~efunci~.ng :Asses~ment Bond ~,c~ of` Ig3~ as amendea. Upo~ Bdotior~ ~y ~ouneilma~ Schnyder?seconded by ~auncilman Fhilli~s~and passed without diss~~t~the Council gave formal eQnsent t~ the holdi~g Qf this Special ~deeting a:~d instrt~eted the Clerk ttr embody the ~bave su~nmary in the minutes of this meeting. RFS4LUU`~I~N ~ Ip~ Resol.ution of the Cit~r Council o~ the City af ~rroya Gra~de ~ Catifornia~,consentin~ ta the 1~ulti.pl:e ~istrie~ Re~`unding oF the Indebtedness Qf ~c~uisiti~n and Impraver~e~t~ T~ist~icfi,s No~.~ and a~ the ~ounty of San Lui~ Obisgo~Califor~a. ~'assed arad ado~t~.ed by the fallow:i~g ~ote on roll c all. ~iYF~ . CC}UN'CILR~RT GIBSC~I~T ~ PHILLII'S ~ ~TLJCI~ :~I} a~HNYII~ . 1tT(~ES . PEIUNE . ~t,BS~. ~QUNCILM;~N '~~PVDER. No fur-~her busir~ess appearin~ and u~an motion the meetimg ~ras ~djou~red. • Q•~^-w ~~I ~ A~~'E~~. ~I~Y G~ BdAYOR ~ ¢ •