Minutes 1941-05-21 ~ _ ~ly_ ~ ~rr~ya Gra~3e~ Cal.if. ~ ~ ~ ~ &i~y 2I ~ I~4~ . City Coun~il met i~ regular~ sessioa~. tTgan roll call Cour~cilrnen PhiL~igs ~`+~h3.tlack~ Schnyder ~nd '~h.elan~er reported prese~t.Absent ~a.y~r Gibso~.Tr~ the ahsence of ~or Gi~~on eou~eilm~ I~hillips was appointed ~eting ~ayor. h~ miflutes of the last regular mee~ir~g and of` the Sgeci~I D~eetir~g af' ~ay I~~h. were read and apgra~red. Cammumications read and ordered fiI.ed. '~he resignatian af Mr.C.C.Sh~rps as Bu~lding Inspee~or was presented at this time.:~~f`ter diseussion the Co~zfle~I agTeed ` tQ acceg~ this resi~ation.Ugon motion by Cour~cilman Sc~nyder~ seconded by Councilman Thelander and approved ~vithou~ dissent~ James ~ineau was ~ppointed to fi11 ~he post of Bui~dirg Znspecta: left vacant by the resignation of ~.a~-,~rps.The Cou~cil agreed that as payme~t Far his serviees that the Bu~lding I~.speetor be given the amount o~ the Bu~lding Lieense Fees collected. ~ lengthy review w~s held coneerning the sewer prablem ~a the ~estern ~dditivn.This diseussion ~vas bet~?een th~ Council~ the Cit~r ~ittor~ey and ~dr.C.A.Lindsay a progerty owr~e~ in that ~istriet.The Cit~ ~ttorney gave same helpful ad~ise regarding thi s prob lem . ~ discu5sior~ wa.s heId ~ay th~ Council eoneEr~i~g th~ nee~ For ~ddit~orzal Compens~tion Insurance Po~ Volunteer Fireme~.It -~raas decided that coverage for eight ad3itional men was required. The Clerk ~ras instru~ted tQ preser~t to ~Ghe State Compen~~tion Iasurance F'und the names af twel~e fireme~ compris~r~~ the e~tire fQrce.'Thi.s ~.r~e~udes the fau~ names alreac~y ca~rered as well as the eigh~ new or~es. I.rr the matte~ of three sealed bids~offering to supply four h.un.dred saeks of eement at specified gric~s, to be used: for sidewaZk a~~d wa7.1• canstruetion~ it w~s the opi~ion of the Council th3* it sarould be bett~r to btzy the eement at going price~ In smaller quantities~as needed,rather than la~y in a Iarge stock in aduance. the~e bids were therefore tabled far the presemt. 1he Cit;~ ~ttarne~ advised the Co~ncil as ta various phases ~ af sidewalk c~r~structian.He ruled ~Ghat t~iere was Bca abligation fQr ~onstr~zction beyond origirral agreements. In the matter of bids for a new truek ~h~ss~s ta be used inr:~ the buildin~ of a City F'ire En,g~n~ the only one reeeived was one from L.:~t«Briseo. Upon motion ~y Cour~eilma~ ~ehngder~ seco~rded by Cour~eil.man ~hitlock and passeci unanimausly,the Counc . Cour~cil a~reed to accept th~ bid af L.~.Brisco fvr ~ Z942 ehev~ral~t Heavy I3~zty ~'ruek Chassis~equip ed w:ith ~ I00 I~. Motor and Dua2 Tires at a prie~ of $ IOI~.4I~ subject to change in price by the Che~role~ Mat.ar Co. ~upt Ev~ring ~ras authori zed to arcier any nee ~s sarlr equipm~nt rec;uired ~n the constructian af t,he Fire Engine. ~fter cansiderable c~iscussion the ~ouncil voted unanimously ~o raise the ordinary daily wage to fifty cents per I2aLiY` . advised t~hat it be c~I~ . •Cotzncilman Tj~elsric~er onI ta a 9~~erstooci th~t aII r~ises ~ppl~r Y ppazntive employees. Qrdinance 68 amending Ordinaflce ~2I: and fixing a new scsle of Iicens~ Pees far Dan~e Hs~ll~ and for Q~.itside Clesning _ Establishments~was read gor the first time. ~ clai~ agai~st the ~'ater Fund i~ the amo~n~ ot ~ 2 . was agproved anci ordered paid. $ 3? 99 '~'he Couneil appair~ted Tuesd~y May 27th. at the hour c~f NI,, as the date of the next meeting. Th~s is t~ b~: eetirig held fc~r the purpo~e og havin~ a second reading af'Ordinance # (8. I~a further b~sin~ss sppearirl,g a~nd upoA ma~ioa the meeting wa ~ aciEj ourned . w• ~ .!4 ~tf~~ f ' - ls ~ ~ ~ r+i~LLi1 • \ . ~ ~ JR'4Mi.V~• . `