Minutes 1941-06-18 ~~2 _ ~
~rrayo Grande~CaliP. ~-3
June 18 a .C94~ .
City Gouncil met in regular sessian wi~Y~ ~fayr~r J.~.
Gibsan pres~ding.
• IIpon roll call Councilmen PPh~Ilf.ps~~~laek,Sebr~yder
and ~elander reported preeent.Ab~ent none.' ,
~ir~~Les "of previ n~s meetir~g read and approved as read.
~om~nica~ic?n~ pres~nted and ordered Piled.
Representatives from the $ome ~t.indry appear~d before the
Council to inq~ire' regardin~ the ~ACr`~AB~ in thc Lic~r~se- Fees
covering Cleaning and ~rying EsLablia~unen~s.Tii~re ve~as sam~
discussion o~' this matter bnt no 8C'~~OII vras ~a&en.
~r.~rrell appeared to inqc~ire regar~ding ~~ae
ins~,alling by the Hi~h .3ehao2 ot' a ee~rer Ifne on ~~in2ey St.
Upon motion by ~o~zncilm~n Theland~r3aeconded by Cauatcilm~n '
Seh~nyder~th~ ~igh School ~r~s su~harf~zed to proceed xith t~i~
ex~ension of` their sevrer line.
- ~~.~ettssfc~a oP tb~ qge~sti`ou vf; ~`~r~ exits and_ -c~o~ra fr~
loca3. daaiee hall~ Zed to the Ccuncil reques~ing Ci~
Att,orney to z~otf~'y ~he o~mer~ ag such prernise~ of tbe need
~'ar ma~cfrsg the requir~d ~hanges in orc~er Lo com~pZy vr~t~ ~he
S~te ~~Pet~ regulations.
City Auditar H.~.T~esdale pr~€~ented his ~al Repor~
and upon m~oti'on regular~,y m~ved axYd ~ecvru~ed the ~a~ne~.I
orclered tb,~t thi~ report be approv~d and ac~epted. The
Auditar advised tbat a s2ight c~cn,ge be made in t~h~ f'br~er
method asec~ in handling the ~ater Deposi~ Fund anti.tbe
petty ca€~h account.The-Coancfl sfgni~ied their: eoncurrenee
witb this sug~e~ti~n._ . .
Upoa moti on by Gourrci I~n Sc~yder,~ ~ecQ~ded by ~
Counci2maa ~itlock and uaanimc~usiy pa~~ed the Ca~ncil ~
increased the Auditars salar~''tc~ $ 3t},4~ ger quar~er.
~pan ~aLion by~ CounefZma~ S~~er#~~n~ded b~r -
Councfl.~an 'I'~ela~er s~r~d pa~~sec~ rvi:Lhv~t disa~n~ ~he Conn~f~
~a~r~ approval aPt~r~ raising the salarg af the City 1$ar~hal
recl ~Norto~ ~o $ I~~.4~ per mcnth.
A~'irst readin~ was held of ~rc~nanc~ ~ bg,an Ordin~n~e ~
anaending th~ Ctty &iilding ~rdinance.
RE~OLUTIOIf ~ ~~9!
Resolutian of the Arroyo Grande City Council eonsentin,~
to the rePunding oP the i~c~ebt?edness o~ AequisitiQn and
I~prov~ment ~istrfct~ ~Tos.3 -and 3A oP the Ccrunt~r o~ San L~zia
~bfspo~5t~te oP California purs~ant to the pravisions of th~
R~funding A~s~~sment Bc~ad ~let of I~35~as amended.
Passed and adopted by th~ ~`ollowing vote an roll e~.Il.
There was sc~me discussion oP the maLter of the dfstirib~tion
Q~ the one Pot~rth cent ~as tax and oP sewers in the ~Vestern
gddition.A~r detinite action on these points ~ras def
ered until
a lat~e~ d~te .
Couneil.man Wttit,lock advised the ofi.he~ r~embers of the
C~Ly Co~ncil as to hi~ pl~ns for a place of part time resfdenee °
and a~sked their pleasure i~ the matter,The Counci~, ruled thaL
no eb~~ge w~auYd be made at this tim~.
No ~'urLher business appearing and upan motion tl~e
meeting.wa~ adjourned.
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er~ er~~.