Minutes 1941-07-02 223
~rroyo ~randei Calig.
July 2~ Ig4I,
City Couneil ~t zn regular session with 1~ayor J.S. ~
~~.bson presiding.:-
~1pon roll ca13 Councilmen P~llips~Schnyder and
T2~elander reported prese~t.Absent Councilman ~bitloek.
~inutes oF previous meet3ng read and approved as read.
, Commtxnications read and ordered Piled,
~ ~here ~vas some diseussion of parl~ing and traffic problcros
, in this City but na changes were made.
There was a long disc~ssion of the locaZ Building
~r~ciinance and the State Building Code parti~~Iatr2y as
, relating to safe~y exits in danee 2~~.The Cv~xneil
decideci i~ ~oald b~ t~est to mak~ no changes a~ thfs at the
present ti~e.
T~e secand reading oP Ordinanee # 69 was passed by for
thi~ time.It is to come ~p Por s second readin~g ~L a 1$te~
Upon motion by Couneilman Schn~yder~seconded ~y C~~~~mar~
Thelander and pass~d without dissen~~the Councf2 appointed
~.~.~neau as Se~rer Inspeet4r~with the underst~nd.ing that he
recei~re as pay the amount oP the feea colleeted.
C2a~ms against the Genera2 Fund in ~he amo~nt q~' ~ 9~I.3$~
the i~a~~.er F~nd in the amount r~P $ 8~~. ~4 ~ the S~reet +~sssmt.
Ft~nd in the amount of ~ Z~2I.2I and the iNat~:r A~gOait F~nd ia
the amount oP ~~p.E7Q~ were auditediapproved a~~i ~red p~i8.
No further business appearing and upo~ ~o~an the
meeting r~as adjourned.
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~IT~ l~YQR.
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