Minutes 1941-07-16 ~ ~
t~rroyo Grande~Calif. t~'J
duly I~~~q4I.
~ .
The City Couneil met ir~ regular session with,~ayor
~.~.Gibson presiding.
upon roll call Councilmen P~iillips~Schnyder and
~helander reported pres~n~.~~sent Couneilmar~ ~itlock.
~inutes of previo~~ mee~,ir~g read a~ci ~.pproved as read.
eommunications~read and ordered Piled.
The questic~n oP the proper license fee to b~ charged
the Ritz lce Cream Cc. was discu~eed.`~"his fee was aet at ~~.fl4
per quarter.
~ resQlution by the Array4 Grande Cit~r Couneil
con~enting to a st3pulatian far judg~ment quib~ing ti~tle
to a tract of land o~nned by l~r.and ~I~r~.J.l~.Becke~t and
described as ]4ot ~ in Bloek 36 in Bec~etts Cro~a Hill
~ldditton ~n the City crP ~frroyo Grande. ,
PaaseB arid adopted by the following vot~ om roil c~ll.
~Y~'~. Cff7~CIL1~' G~OI1' ~ PA~LL~PS ~ SCHNYDER t~PD TH~NDEa..
1~€3ES. I~~1~EE.
ABSE~. C(3t7NCILl~1~' WH~TIA~~.
The Council authorized that bid~ on the old Fire ~rigine
~2~as~is be grinted oncQ only in the Heralch-Recorder.
~here vrs$ some discussfon bet~veen the Building
Inagectcr aad the City Ccuncil concernirYg Building Permits
and ~ ewer ~cnnec ti c~ns , ~
~y reque~t of the City C1erk~~rs.Edna Sehilling
appeared before the Cvuneil and a lengtby discu~e~ion waa
held concerning valuatian$ on Real Property and Improvemen#,~.
`1'he Co~neil requested ~rs.5chilling to proceed with the
pr~paratio~ o~' ~n up to~date list oY valuations . Th~s list
to be preaented before th~ Council ~t ~ Special 1~eeting to
be held at $ ~lednesday July ~~rd.
5treet Supt.~wing advised t,he `ouncil of the meed ~
for additional work in the ~estern Addition relating to Street
surFacing and ~treet signs~ ~'he Council instructed him to ~
proeeed with such of this work as he deemed necessary.
No Purther business appearing and upon mr~tion the
meeting was ad~jaurned. .
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