Minutes 1941-09-03 226 ~ ~ ~rrayo ~rande, ~a~~.if. ~ sepL. 3, 294I. ~ The City~ Council met in regtxlar se~s~3an ~i~h l~a,yor _ J.~.G~bson presiding. TYzis was th~ first meeting held ~sinc~ th~ regular meet~g of ~1u~.6Th.The meeting scheduled Por Aug.2~tl~.~va~ skfpped because abser~ce of thr~e Cour~eilm~e~ made it impo~ssib2e to secure a quorum. Proceeding with the busine~s of this present meeting~ upon roll call Counc~.lmen Ph~llips~Sc&nyder snd Thelander reported present.~baent Co~ncilman ~h~tloek. ~dinutea o~' previaaxs- meeting read and approved as read. Coma~r~i.cation~ read and ord~red Piled. Under date oP ~ept.Z~t. S letter Yrom Counci2m+~a ~.T. ~hitlock at Santa Pa~2a~was forwarded to the City Clerk here. Read to the Council at this time ~r.~hitloeks lett~ar stated that becau~e of conditions beyond his control he th4ught it advisable ~o tender his resignation at this time as a member oF the irroyo Grande City Ccrunei2.Upon motio~ by Councilm~n pbillip~~aeconded by Counci2man ~chn,yder and p~ssed withor~t dfssent~the resignatio~ of Counci2man ~hitlock was aecepted. Agpointment of another Councilman to take his place was defered until,l~ter. ~ committee o~ two~representing the Arroyo Grande Grammar ~ehool~~et wi~h the Counci2 in regard to the problem vf the erosaing at~ the junction of Allen St. with the IQI High~ray. Cons~derable di+scussion resulted but a final decision wa~ defered until lat~e~. 4~lalter Fiarris appeared to inquire as to f'~?ture sidewalk ' construction.sc~me discussion resulted but no final decision rendered at this time. The request for the abandonment oP Le Point Terrace aud Harrisori St. ~ras reviewed at som~ length.The Couneil instructed Street Supt.E~~ng to interview interested praperty owners and to ascertaf.n their viewpoint on this matter.Final deeision v~a~ de~ered tzntil a lat,er meeting. aRn~N~t~ ~ 70 ~ E~RD~I~fd~NC~ k~~NG S~~E'i~ Z,4F AN f3RDZNAATCE ~Z'i~; .Al~ E1R~II~lN~~ PRtJVSD!51~~ F"E~R T~ TF.~PQR~RY REI~ISSIf}l~ ftF` ~ PEN~iLTIE3~I~TTF~R~.S~ 1~D CC1rS~ ~TP~3N ~HE RE~E~P`~~Q~ OF FROFFR2'Y ~f3~,D FQI~ DEL~AI'~~~EN~ Tt~3~ES ~ DECL~KRI~4+G THE t1R`G'rEN~ OI' THT~ ORD~I~~N~E ~I~3 PRCJ~~~~G THAT S~ T~ EF~'~CT UPt32~ FI1~L ADOPTIO~"~ ~ PA,SSEI} ~D ~D(}PTED QN THE 2I~t D1~Y ~F z93~, . Pa~sed s~r~d adQpted by the fallawing vote on roll. c~.tl. .~YF~S; ~OL~AtCI~~' ~IBSf~N~FHILLTPS~SCH~3~DFFR ~tND TH~l~NDE~. Nf~ES; I~(T~E. ~ ~SENT . ~ • `1?~t A'~~ Upon recommendatioa oP City ~uditor Truesdale and after due deliberatioa~ a motion was made~seconded ~nd carried that the tax rate for the coming year be set as Pallflv~s. ~eneral Fuad _ _ $ I.00 Se~er Bond - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - .Ip Tot~ Rat~ . eh is declared to be the tax rate for the current ye~r oP I~4I-~2 on ea~h ~ It3~.00 0~ val~zation. TAES~ I~I2~1t7TE~ CC3I~TI~ Ol~ 1~XT PdG~. 2 2'~ Arroyo Grarzdey:G~,1.f~. Sept. 3~~ I~~I. ~ CQNT~Nt1~T'IC?N OF" ~I1~UTF.~ FRC?E~ F~GE 226. ~laims against the ~meral: Ftxnd f~ the a~tzn~ oP $~164.92 ~nd ~h~ ~ater F'r~nd in t.~e amo~nt of` ~~`~$.71 wer~ sudi~~ci~ appraved ane~ ardered p~Eid. No f'urthez~ busine~ss appearing €~ud txpon ~rtiaa ~eetix~ W88 ~G~ O~YlL't~. .~T~S~ w ~ w ~ ~ . ~ITY . l~~t~. . ~ , .