Minutes 1941-09-17 22$ ~ ~irroyo Grande ~ c:alif . ~ Sept.17,194I. ~ The City Council met in regular session writh ~ayor J.S.Gibsoa presiding. Upo~ roll callCauncilmen Phillips~Schr~yder and Thelander reported present.Absent no~e. ~inutes oP previous meetir~ read and approved as read. A motion wa~ made by Councilman Phillips and secor~ded by Cauncilman Thelander that Charles ~enny be appointed to fill the vacsnt oF~'ice oP Cbuncilman ,made vacant by the recen~t resignation of W.T.~ihitlock.Said appointment to be ePfective until the next re~lar electfon.Passed and adopted by the Pol~.owing vote on roll cal2. ~.YES. COUNCIL~EN GIBSON~ PFiILLIPS ~ SCHNYDER AI~D THEI.P,1+~'IDER. AT~ES . AIOI~'E . ABSF~ATT. NONE. Communications were regularly presented and discussed and OPdE'P~GZ f`~.~.@t~. Upan mation by Couacilman Thelander~seconded by Councilman Schnyder and unanimously passed it was agreed that a mfnia~m sale price of $ 50.~~ be placed upon the old F~re Truck. A lengthy r~view and discussion was held concerning the State Housing Act and various Buildin~ lnspection grob2ems connected with ~ame.Final decision defered pending contact with State Authorities. 5treet Supt.E~ving gave a report on ~he recent request for the closing of Le Poiat Terrace and Ha.rrison St,After discussion the Council authorized the elosing oP HarrisQn S~G. but rePused to approve the closir~g of" Le Point Terrace. A safety problem connected r~ith the Highway crossing at the ju~ction of Barnett St.with the IOI Highway ~vas discussed and refered to the ~ity Attorney for Purther investigation. A motion by Council.rnan Thelander~seconded by f:ouncilman Pl~illips and passed without dissent authorized Street Supt. Ewing to order a power operated air ham~mer for City use. The Council authorized the laying of required additional water pipe in the Va11ey View Traet. The~ also upon motion regularly moved~seconded and passed~instructed Supt.Ewi.ng to. secure bids on additional rec±uired fir~ h~se. A reguest by the Arroyo Grande ~~Jomans Club for the closing oP a portion of Branch St.on Sat.night~~ct.4th. for the purpose of holding a~treet dance and.~arniva2~v~as granted, After a long rev~.e~r o~` parking prablems om Braneh St, the Co~ncil ordered Sc~pt.Er~#.ng to a curb and gutter at~ the junetion of Short and Branch Streets in order to create a parking space at that point. Upon mation by Couneilman ~"helander~seconded , Councilman Schnyder the salasy aP the City Clerk was increased by the su~ oP $ T~.00 per'month~be~ining ~ith ~et.I~~, xpproved by the,Council without dissenting vote. N~ further busines~ appearing and upQn motio~ the meeting vraa adjourned. . , !!T'1'E~~. ' ~ ~ITY I~IYt)R.