Minutes 1941-10-15 230 ~ ~ Arraya Grande~Calif. ~j ~ oe~.15, r94~ . The City Council met in regular session with ~[ayor ~.S;Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Thelander and Menny reported present.~bsent none. ~inutes of previous meetin~;read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered filed. t7pon motion~regularly moved~seconded and passed without dissent the Cauncil agreed to cancel the following licenses and taxes.Licenses,NQ.3~58,3352~3355~3455& 3457. T~.xes on Beckett land purchased by the City No.I2~0~and Personal Property ~ Tax No.37 assessed against ~.N.Patton. .~'he Council and some interested citizens who we~e present discussed at some length the problem of illegal breaking and entering and the proper methods of protecting against same. It was decided that no changes be made for the present. A long reviev~ ~ras held concernin,~; sidewalks that had never been started or completed.The Council instructed Street Snpt.Ewing to secure Contractor8 construction costs on work oF this type. The Council agreed that cost of typing Tax Statements be paid by the City. A warrant~l'o.59?,drawn on the General Fund For $6.00 was approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting wras adjourned. , . • ~iTTE~~. CITY C K. MAyQR. ~