Minutes 1941-11-05 . ~3~ l~rroyo Grande ~ Ca2if . Nov.~,194I. The Cit~ Ccruncil met ir~ regular sessian with ~ayvr J.S. Gibson presiding. Upog ro11 ca11 CouncilmenPhillips~Thelander and ~enny reported presen~.~4bsent Cauneilman ~chnjyder. Ntinutes af previaus meeting read and appraved as read. Corr~nications presented and ordered filed. RESOLUTI01'~' #I~~ ~ r~so~ution by the City Counci~ appr~ving a method of hand~ing the Petty C~sh ~.ccount.Ins~ructing the Clerk t,ca deposi~ all petty cash now as hand in the Consumers Deposi~ Ae~oun~. Ordering the Cler~k ta maintain at ~.he City hall a petty cash fund of ~ 70.OD.S~i~ amount being established by drawing a warrant an the General F~nd and ch~rging same to Petty Cash~ which Petty Cash F~nd shall be maintained at the City ga.il for the cpnvenience of the collectin~ officials. ~'assed and adopted by the following vote on roll eall. AYES. COUNCIL~dEN GIBSON ~ PHIT,LIP~ ~ THF~.~Id~ER AI~TD ~GEI+INY. NOES. NDI~ . ~BSEI~T.C'~CIL~dAfi' ~CHNYI~ER. Upan motion b~ Cauncilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman Thelander and unanimously passed it was agreed that beginin~ with the month of ~eptember that the City contribute from its funds to the Arroyo Grande Grammar School the sum of ~ I~.O~ per month .This contribution to apply as a salary payment for a crossing guard to be maintained by the Grammar 5chool at~ the State Highway erassing near the west end of A1Ten ~t. ~ After discuss~on of the problem oP Street and 'Road maintainanee Supt Ewing was ordered to take care oP any necessary work of this kind and i.n garticular to fix shoulders on the Valley Road and to repair Streets in the '~estern Addi.tion. The Cvuncil instructed Supt.Ewing to proceed with any work that mi.ght be required on the City `.Vater ~1e11~.He was also authorized to equip the Fire Truck v~ith a First ~id Kit. Supt Ewing discussed his recent trip to the ~Nater Convention He made particular mention af certain information secured there concerning water soPtners.The Council requested him to investigate this subject more fully in the immediate future. Cla~ms against the General Fund in th~ amount of ~ 963.2I~ the ~later F'und in the amount of ~ 728.92 and the ~a~er Depasit Fund i~ the amount of $ I2.00 were auc~ited~ appraved and ordered paid. No Purther business appearing and upon motion th s~egting was adjourned. / ~iTTEaT. ~ ~ Gi:C`'"i CIT~ ~Y4E~. oR G ~ C'~n. d~;,,. c~„~, rst, G:,,,..~,,,. aG.~. S'~ - . ~ ~ o~ , ~ f ~ ~ ~ _ 7 ~93~ - ~ - G-~.~ ~ _ _ ~ CC~GN~ ~ . . ~j ~ ~ f J ~ ~'"~0~. I~~,F"" { ' }t^!~` 1 ~j j~~ f- ~ 1 l ~ j~ ~ V r ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ` ' . r ~`-vYd7'~ ~yt~1.P.~'ti ~~I~P/~.~~ -~,ro`. - ~ ~ ~ ' " Q J~,, L r ~ f • a ~ ~M~ ~NC?~~~C1w1,'' ~ - ~ ti° ~