Minutes 1941-12-17 l~t7~`
.~xiroyo Grande ~ Calii' .
The Cit~r Council met in regular session wfth ~yar J.~.
Gib~an presiding.
Upon roll ca~l Councilmen Fhillips~Schr~yder~Thelander•~
and ~er~ny"repor~ed present.~bs~nt none.
~nutes af grevious meeting read and approved a~ read.
. Comm~n~cations read and ordered filed.
There was a long discussion of the problems conCerned
with oecasions ~€hen Danee Halls become a nuiscance.The Council
signi.fied a willingness to employ additional Police help when
necessary ta ensure qaiet and arderly conducL in and around
Dance Halls.
~'he question of a Patrol around the V~ater Reservoir was
revie~red by the Council at some length.Supt.Ev~ring gave a report
cc~neerning the cost ~f srzrrounding t2~e reservoir ~th an ample
barb wire fence.Upan ~otion by Councilman Phil.l~p~~seconded by
Co~neilman Thelan~ter ~nd unanimously passed~it was ordered that
such a barb wire fen~e attached ta ~tee1 Posts be constrt~cted.
Upon motion by Catzncilman Schnyder~seconded by Councilma.n
Phillips and gassed witho~tt dissent i~ was ordered tha~ a patral
be ma~ntained a~, the reservoir until £urther notice.
There was a long discussion concerning the advisability
of maint~ining a~pecial nig~}~ guard in the Fire Dept. to
receive any warnings in case of a blackout.No change in existing
arrangements were made at this time.
A warrant Na.663 on the General Fund for $ 590.00 and
a~ warrant No.230 on the ~'~ater Fund for ~ 54.~4 were approved
and ardered paid.
l~o further bus~ness appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
~lT"1`EST. • ' ,
' CITY ~ . ~Yt3F~.
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