Minutes 1942-02-04 ~tJt1
~rroyo GrandelCalif.
Feb. 4~ 1942.
The City Council met in regrz2ar session with ~ayor
J.~.Gibson pre~iding.
Upan rall call Couneilmen Phillips~Thelander and
~Tenny reparted present.~bsent Councilman Schnyder.
~iinutes af previous meeting read and approved as
Communication~ read and ordered filed.
There vv~s a detailed discussion coneerning the
problem of late mus~c becaming a publie nuisance.In
connection with this Ordinance ~2~commonly refered
ta as the Juke Bax 4rdinance~was read for the first
After considerable discussion of
~ts desirability
it ~as moved by Cauncilman Phillips~seconded by
Coune,~ilm n Thelander and u,n~
animously passed that this
- City a~i~~-$ i~,004.0~ ~r°d~m- its ~Vater Funds ifl Unite~
States Defense Bond~~Series F'. C~t ~ QTL~.~.n, '7~aa.oo
The subjeet of a neu~ City Hall wa~ revie~ed in
detail but no definite conclusions ~vere reached at
this meeting.
The dog nuisa~ce problem was di~cussed but no
action was taken at this time.
Claims against the General Fund in the amc>~r~t
o~ $ I~'~8.3S~the Water Fund in the amount Qf $ 22.8~
and the ~ater Deposit Fc~nd i~ t~e amo~nt of ~~.Qp
v~ere audited~approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearin~ and upa~ motiaa~
the meetfng was ad~ourned.
~lT'I'EaT. ' '
~~T7~ K. l~1YQR.