Minutes 1942-03-18 24~
Arraya Grande~Calif.
. &Tar .18 ~ I ~ 42 .
The City Council met in regul~r session.In the ~bsence
of T4:ayor Gzbsor. Council.man Schnyder served as acting mayor.
Upon ro~I call Councilmen Sehnyder~Thel~n~er and 14ienny
reported pr~sent.~bsent Co~.2r.cilr~an yhillips and ~~ayor Gibson.
~+Iinutes of previous meeting read and ~pproved as re~d.
Cor.imunications rezd and ordered filed.
Ordi~an~e 73 came u~ for a first reading.~ w~-/+~G-a~y
5ugt.Ewing ;vas instructed by the CounciZ to Iay in a
req,~ired stock of six ~nd ei~ht inch cast iron pi~e.
Ther•e was same discussion of a site for a ne~~u City Hali
but na action was t,aken.There was ~lso a long review af Poliee
costs in r~Iation to dance hall ir~ the City.It a~pea.red that
na solution of this problem had been reached at this meetinb.
No further business a.ppe~.ring and unor_ mation the meetin~
was adjourned.
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