Minutes 1942-04-15 a~rroyo Grande ~ Calif . ~gril I~'~Zg42. • .The City Council met in regular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibsan presiding. ~a~C~~`°w.oot~~ a~C-6i?dw+u~•~toti.,t 4.l.a~~t ~inutes of previous meeting rea and approV~ed as read. Communieations read and ordered filed. ~rdfnance ~ 7~ was read for the first time. ~dr ~3takes appear~d before the Council to inquire abou~ ' the matter o~` installing a water Zine tQ ~hat is know~ as the Hill Top praperty v~es~ of` t.arr~n.~fter consider~ble ~.iscussion this matter wras refered ta ~1a:yor Gibsoa• Supt.~wing gave a report on the condition of the concrete retaining walls at the Branch -~hitely Street fill.The Council agreed that a repair a~ this point would be needed very soon. After discussion the regular annual clean up period ~ras set to include that time between ~.pril 22nd.and l~y 6th. UpQn motion regularymoved~seconded and passed without dissent the Cauncil authorized Supt.Ewin ta arrange for the rental of the ~otor ~rader owned by L.A.~risco~provided tha:t such rental was at a fair price.It was agreed that this rental use be in the nature of a trial or demonstration and 2ooking tQ the possible purchase of this equipment by the City in the near future. The CQUncil unar~imo~sly agreed that the annual membership dues in the American ~~'~ater '~Vorks Asscciation amounting to $ I0.00 be paid out of City Funds. Jarl ~eel~y~representing the City Fire ~ept.appeared before the Council to inquire aboat a passible reduction o~ fire insurance ra~es.This ~.tter was discussed at length but no definite conclusions were reached.~r.~eeley alsa asked abou~ a clean up of certain local fire hazards.This matter was refered to the City Attorney ~or further investigation. ' `~he question of securing tires For the car;used by the City Palice Chief invol~red the"Council and Chief l~orton in a Iengthy discussion.The Council ~ave it as their opinion that due to Federal war time regulations that this matter ~tas out of their hands. Na further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. - ~ , ~ , ATTEST . ~ ~ • CI K. ~ ~tYOR.