Minutes 1942-04-21 246 y Arroyo Grande?Calif. ~ ~ April 2T~1942. The City Council met in special session with Ddayor J.S. ~ Gibson presiding. ~ Upon roll call Couneilmen Schnyder~Thelander and Menny reported present.~bsent Council~.n Phillips. The purpose of this special meeting being to canvass the returns of the General Municipal Election held April I4th.I~42. There bei.ng no absentee ballots,after a canvass of the election returns~the Clerk presented the follov~ing resolut~Qn. RESQLU~IQN ,~I16 I14r THE COtT1~TCIL OF THE CITY C3F ARROYO GRANDE~~TATE OF' * CALIFQRNI~EIiRESQLUTI~N DECL4RI~.TG T~EStTLT 0~' ELECTI~}I~T. 'vJhereas a GeneraZ ~~anicipal Election ~vas held in the City af Arroyo Grande~on Tuesday April Iath.1942 as required by law~ And ~vhereas it appears that notice of said election wa~ duly and legally given~that voting precincts tirere properly established,that election officers vrere appointed and electian supplies furnished~and that in all respects said election ~~as held and conducted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed~ar_c~ the returns thereof made an~p eclared in time form and manner as required by ladv of sixth~ities. AND ~~"IHEREAS~the C~,ineil of said City met ~t the Council Cha~ber thereat on Tuesday the 2Ist.day of April 1942~to canvass the returns of caid election~and install the neualy elected officers~and having canvassed said returns~the Coux~cil finds that the number o£ votes cast~the names of the persons voted for~and other matters rec~uired by law~to be as herei.r~after stated~now therefcre BE IT RESOLVED~as follo~~s; That said General ~unicipal election was held~and conducted in the City af Arroyo Grande on Tuesday the F'ourteenth day of April 1942 ~ in time ~ form and manner as required b,y la~r~that there was one votin~ precinct est~blished for the parpose of holding ~aid election eonsistin~ of a consolidation of the regular ele~tion ~recincts established for the holdir_g of General,State and County elections as follo~~°~s; ( Consolinated precinct A) comprisin~ State and C~~nty nrecinets number one~t~~vo and t,hree~and the votin~ place thereof adas the City Hall. That the whole nu~nber of votes cast in said City ~~~as 223 ~th~t the name,~ af the persons voted for~ ~,he offices f or vrhich they ~ti~ere voted~the number of vote~ given in each Di'ecinctto e~ch of said persons togather ~r~ith the 1vhole number of votes which they received in the entire City are as follows. NaMe of ~ersons voted for Votes ~oseph S.Gibson Ccunc~ ~!~~.n Full Term 163 ~ .J.Schnyder n 184 Charles Menny Coanciln~n Short Term 181 Joe ~antos Councilman Full Term 4~ ~oe Santos Councilman Short Term Jim Orman ~'ull Term Councilman I ~iarry Sorenson Councilman Full Term 3 Harry Sorensan Councilman Short Ter~ I ~ Leo Briseo Councilman Full Term I i~.ESOLVED therefore~that at said General B~unicipal e?~ectio~~ ~ose~h S~Gibson was elected Councilman of the City of Arroyo Grande f~r the fu12 term of .four years. A~.so that J.~ .S~hnyder ~:vas eleeted Cauncilman of . ~aid City for the full term of fbur years. ` Also t~-iat Charles ~Ienny r~as elected Couneilman of s~~3 City for a short term oF tvuo years. CONTII~NED ON PAGE 24? 247 Arroyo Grande~ealif. Rpril 2I~1942. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 246 'I'he City Clerk shall imraediately make ar~d deliver ta each o° such persons e~ected~a certifzcate of election~ si;;ned by him and duly au~hentic~ted; he shalY,l~L~O impase the constitutional oath Qf office and have them subscribe thereto,~rhereupon they shall be inducted into ~the respective affices ta which they have been elect~d. I~the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing ~esolation was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Ccaancil of the City of Arrc~yo Grand~ at a Special ~ieeting held on the 2Ist.day af Apri2 1942,by the following vote : ::~~YES. COUNCIL~N GIBSOI~T~ SCHNYDER~ THELANDE~ AND ~hENNY. NOES. NONE. ABSr^~NT. COIJNCILNIAN YHILLIPS. in testimony ~~rhereaf I have here~znta set my hand and affixed the offic~al seal of said City~this 2Ist.day of ~lpril 1942 . •!N' C Y LERK. J~`N- Th~ foregoing proceedings having been complied~as ~rovided by law the City Clerk then proceeded to s~~vear ~ in the newly elected officers. No further business ap~earing:and upon motion the meeting wa~ ~djour~ ed.~ ~ - ~ ' i~TT~~T . ~ w ~ CITY C K. ~YOR. , ~ G~ ¢ 01 c~ u. ~ ~4 ~ ~rth.~ ~,P,Q~rr,U-- ~[iJti. ac, a. ~c~~. 4~ ~-e- .~.~p.o~ ~a~ `c.e . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `f .2 ? . 5-~ oru/,~„~. ~ Ll~l ~ ~,~~D~.c. ~.~J~,e• ~z.e.¢.~c~of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ' Q ~ 9 `f Z. ~ -o ,aQ.ti 1/.,~, 1 J ~ r~~- Q t~. ~ ~ o c~u~ 6'.<.(-a ~ ~c-~,, d~. ~~~d~ . , ~ , q o-~ : vt ~-e~ ~ tr~zwt'', o u~. c~~t~,~,~, ~~ti~~-~+- ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ZtJ ` - _ ~ ~