Minutes 1942-06-04 25 2 . Arroyo Grande~~alif. ~ dune 3 ~ 1942,! ~ The City ~ouneil met in regular sessian with M~yor J.~. Gibsc~n presiding. Upan roll call Councilmen ~'hillips~Schnyder,Thel~nder and ~enny reported present.~bsent none. ~ The minutes of the last regular meeting ~held b~ay 20t~i: and the a.djourned meeting of May 26th. ~vere read and approved as read. Communicatians read and ordered filed After discussion the Council authorized the purchase of the gollowing e~uipment far the Fire Dept. One large ~ Nazzle~Straps for the Fire Engine and Spanner ~renches. Street Supt.Ewing wa5 instructed to proceed with repair work on P.C.Railway crossimgs. . Upan motion by Councilman Fhillips~seconded by Councilman Schnyder and unanimously passed the resignation of Fred Norton as rolice Chief ~r~as accepted. b~ayor Gibson advised th t the City h~d purchassed a ~econd block of U.S.Govt.Ser~ies F' Bonds~out of surplus dVater Funds~at a cost af $ 7400.0~. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~ 1361.4I~ the N~ter Furid in the amount of $ 489.70 and the Water Depos~t Fund in the amount of $ 32.00 vvere audited~approved and • ordered paid. ~ No further business appearing and upon motian t meeting was adjourned. , , ATTEST. ~ ~ ~ITY C . ' OR . Arroyo Grande~ CaliF. June 4~, 1942. . aA Special ~deeting of the City Council was called to order at 4PBd on this date by ~ayor Gibson.Present were Councilmen Phillips and Schnyder.~bsent Councilmen Thelander ' and Menny. Upon mation by Councilman Phillips~secanded by councilman Schnyder ~nd passed unanimously E.Y.E~mands was appointed Chief of Police. No further business appearing a.nd upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , G2~~ ' ~ - ATTES~• ITY LERK. B~AYOR. ~