Minutes 1942-06-17 : 25~? ' ~r~royo Grande ~Calif . ~Tune 17 ~ T942 . The Ci~,y Council rnet in regular sessian Yvith P~ayor J.S. Gibsan ~residing. Upon roTl c~ll Councilmen ~hillips~Schnyder,T'helander . and I~~enny reported present.~bsent none. . ~iinutes of ~h~ last r•egular meeting of ~une 3rd. and of the ~pecial ~eeting held ~une 4th. vvere read and ap~roved as r ead . Communications read and ordered filed. ° RESOLUTI~N I18 ' A nesolution of t~.e ~.rroyo Grancie City Council providing for a change in the fiscal year.~tating that hereafter the regular dates for the fisc~.l year shall be to commence on July Ist. and terminate on June 30th. ~ ,Passed and adopted by the fallo~ring vote on roll call. AYES . CC3UNC ILb~N GIBSON' ~ PHI LLIP'S ~ SCHIv''Y'DER ~ THEL;~INDER &~tENNY . 'NOES. NONE. . ~BSENT. NONE. Applications from ~~yron Edmands and. C.A.NIcKenzie for the position of Chief of ~alice were present~d.~ ~efinite decision on these ap~lications was defEred for the ~resent. lhe matter af City licenses was reviewed at some length. The Council instructed the Clerk to hereafter bill each ~ccount when du e . _ lhere was a detailed discussion of the w~~.ter Department and of delinquent water accounts. Na further business appearin~; and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ATTEST. ~ C ITY K. E~AYOR.