Minutes 1942-08-05 256 , ~ , Arro~a Grande~ Calif. ~ . . Atig. 5, 1942. ~ . The epty Coun~il met in regular session v~ith l~ayor ~J.~.Gibson residin . Upon roll call Councilmen Gibsan~Phillips~Schnyder and ~denny reported present:~bsent Couneil~.n Thelanderi. ~inutes of previous meetin~ read and approved as rea~i. Communications read and order~d filed. Read to the Councfl was a copy of a letter written by the City Attorney to the ~tate Highway Dept.reviewing ~he" " subject of exeessive castaf the work`recently completed an the bridge on Bridge St. o~zr~~reE # 76 . ~ ORDIN~NCE ~.AIIENDING. SECTI01,l6' I~C1F AN ORDIIdANCE ENTITLED; • ~AT f3RDIN:~NCE PR(7VIDING ~`QFi THE TE~idPOR~IRY KEB~II,;aIQAT ~F` PENALTIES~ II~'TERE~T ~ANI7 COSTS Ut''~N THE REDE~tfPTION OF PRQFERTY SUL13 Ft?R DELIN~2U~ENT T~S ~ DECLARING TAE URGENCY QF THIS QRDINAN~E ~NII PROVIDING TH~T~IT ~HALL TA1~E EFFECT ' L7PC31~ FINt'~L ~:D~FTION'~ ~P.ASSED ,~TD ~DC3PTED ON TH~ 2IstD~1Y QF ~`uLY~1937• Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call. ~,YFS . . ~~UNC IL~EN GIBSQN ~ FHI LLIP , ~ BCHNYDER ~ND ~EI~NY . NOES . . I~(}NE , ~1BSE1~IT..CQIINCIL~AN THEL~INDER. Upon motion regularly seconded and unaflimously passed the Council agreed to liberalize the regular fire permit farm~ makirig the hours now ta 4P~d i.n which it is permissible to burn~and increasing the period from one d~y up to not mare than ten days. Upan ~nation by Councilman Schnyder~sQCOnded by Councilman ~enny and passed without dissent it was agreed to permit the Fire Suppression Crew housed at the City Park to make improvements to the grounds and: to beautify them in any way approved b~ them and the city.It was agreed t~t the City wauld furnish some heZp for this program. ' There was a long discussion of the Building Code and ' ~lumbing OrdinancesThe City ~ttorney was requested to look r~nto these with a view to making certain improvements. Upon motion by Councilman Phillips,seconded by . Councilman Schnyder and unanimously passed James ~ineau ~ was appointed Plumbing Inspector. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $ 896 .49 ~ the '~Y~ter Fund in the amount of $ 54I .$6 ~ and the Water Degosit Fund in the amount of $ 28.00 wer~ audited~agpraved and ordered paid No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ; „ th/ • / ~iT'TES~. ' ~ C . TY ERI~. t` ~ ~AYOR . ,I