Minutes 1942-08-19 25~ Arroyo Grande~Calif. ~.ug.z9,zg42. The City Council met in re~ular session.IVlaayor J.S.Gibson being ~bsent ~ouncilman H.~.Philligs 44v~s ap~ointed acting i~:a,yar i n hi s p lac e. ~ ~ " Upon rall ea21 Councilr~en Philligs~Thelander and ~tenny reported present.pbsent Mayor Gibsan ar~d Councilman Schnyder. , Councilman Sehnyder made his aFpearance a few minutes later and attended the balance af this meeting. ` I~~inutes af previous meeting read and approved as read. Cammunic~.tions read and ordered filed. After c~iscussion concerning the matter of lights at the Observation Post on Crown Hill it was moved by Cauncilman Thelander~seconded by Councilman ~enny ~nd unanimously passed that the City be res~onsible for the light bill. ff~rrdiriance # 7? was read for th~ first time. St.Supt.Ewing was instructed to contact the ~tate Highway Dept. concerning the drain at the intersection of Allen St.with the IOI Highway.It was deemed advisable to eorrect the drain~ge problem ~t this point before the eaming of another winter.~.ipt. Ewing was also ordered to lay some additional water pipe in the Fair Oaks Tract. The Council indul~ed in a lengthy but rather inconclusive discussion of the scra~ iron drive and of certain legal angles c onnected with the pickin~; up of this material by City trucks. Recess declared for the pur~ose af taking up the duties oF a Board of EQU~lization. Board reconvenes as a 8oard oP Tru~stees for the purpose of setting the tax rate for the coming year.:After due deliberation and u~on motion it ~ras nECided to set the followin~; r~te. GENER~L FUND - - - - - $I.00 ~EZ~1~ER BOND - - - - - - .20 C~IT~.t, OUTLAY - - - - .IO I. 0 " TOTAL R:1~TE ~~Vhich is declared ta BE THE T:AX RATE for the current year zg42-43 on each $ I00.04 of valuat,ion. ' , Nc~ further business appe~rin~ and upon motion the meeting ~as adjourned. ~~1 a ~ f ATTEST. ~ ~ a CITY CI,E , ~fi~YOR.