Minutes 1942-09-02 ~58 ~rroyo Gr~ande., Calif. ~ ~ 5ept. 2~ 1942. ~ '~he C3ty Counci~ m~t in regular session with ~ar.yrrr .7.~.Gibs4n presiding. Ilpon roll ca12 Councilmen Phillips~S~hnyder~~'helander and Menny reported present.~bsent none. ~inutes oP the prev~.ous meeting and alsa ot' the Board of Equalization meeting wer~ read axid appro~ed a~ read. Ther~ were no commc~nications to be read. Upoa motion regularly s conded and carried unanimously~ a second reading of ardinanc~as waived. QRDII~NC$ 1~N ORDIN~#?1~CE ~NDI~TG BUZLDING E3RDIN~lNCE NU~HER PA~aSE~ ,A14'D .~~p~ED ]~ARCH I i 194~ . Passed ~.nd adopted by the t'ollowing vote on roll eall. ~YE~. . CQUNCILI~ G~B~C}N' ~ FHILLIPS ~ SCHNYDER ~ T~i.NDER ~ND l~E~C. N4~.. ~'Q~"E. ABSF~tT.. NE~~. ~'he Cvuncil a~reed to make the standard vacation period ~or City employe~s as two ~~eks time3 the time at whieh such vacations be taken was left t4 the judgement ot ~txpt.~~f.~g. APter some di~cussion of the jail problem the Cnuneil authoriz+~d Police ChieP ~K~nzie to purchase same nee~ssary blankets~'or the jail. Th~ Couneil suthorized the equipping ot the car used by Chiet' ~cKenzi~ ~ith required tires and insurance coverage. ~.'here was a considerabl~ di~cussion oP the etorm drain problem on ~~est Branch ~t.but no definite action ta~en now. St.~upt.Ewing was instructed to attend to the proper leveling and surfaeing oP the Pill on East ~raneh ~t,. The Couneil agreed to permit the p.oiaonir~g o~'"equirrels insid~ the City limits by caunty authorities. Upon ~otion by ~ouncilman PhilZips~seconded by Couneiim~an A ~helander and pass~d without dissent it was a~re~d that a ChieP ~cI~enzie be authorized to carry out the dutie~ oP a F'oundmast~r aceording to his own judgement. _ Ciaf~s against the G~neral Fund in~the amount of ~ 8~5.94~the ~rater Fund in the amount ot $ 472.~I~ an~ the ~ater Deposit Fund in the amount o~ $ 4Q.pp were • audit~d~approved and ord~red paid. No Purther busine~s appearing and upon mo~3on the meeting was adjcxxrned. W ~ ?,c/- - ~ITTE~`F. ~ITY ~ K. 1[~1Yt3R . ,