Minutes 1942-09-16 25~ Arroyo ~rande~ CaliF. ~ept. 16~ 1942. The City Couneil met in regular ,se~sion with ~ayor :~'.~.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~`~helander and i~enny reported present~ .~bsent Councilr~.n Fhillips. ~inutes of the previous meeting read and apprc~ved 'as read . There were no commaanications ta be read at th3s ~eeting. After discussion the Couneil agreed to pc~t the water b311 Por the Fire ~.ippression Camp on ar flat rate af $ 2.Qp per month -st~rtirrg with Aug.20th. Upon motion by Councilman Schn~der~seconded by Councilman ~nri~r and unanimously earried it was ordered ~hat b~ildings abatructing the ~treet on Le Point `i'errace be moved. A request by the Arroyo Grande ~'omans Clu~i ~'car the closure of a portion of ~est Branch ~t.on ~at~urday evenin~ ~ept.26th.was granted by the Council. ~'here was a long but inconelusive discussion of the Bicycle problem as relating ta riding an the sidewalks. l~o f~rther busir~ess appearing and ugon motion the ~ne~ting was adjourned. . . . . ~ ~fi~.. O ~ ^ . . es~~. ~~rc~.. ~