Minutes 1942-10-21
Arroyo Grande~ Calif. ~
Oct. 7, 19~2.
The City Council met in regul~r session with b;ayor
J.S.Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips,~chnyder~
Thelander and ~enny reported present.Absen~ none.
~inutes of previous meeting read and approved.
eommunieations read ~nd ordered filed.
On behalf of the City I~ayor Gibson appointed &~r.
Guy Stewart as Def ense Coordinator for all d.efeflce areas
inside the City.
~ir.Kenneth '~hryock appeared befvre the Council to
inquire about the securing of a franehise for his ~arbage
colleetion service.The Council ~r,~as advised by the City
~ttQrne~r concerning certain legal points required far this
~ype of procedure.`i~he Council requested the City .4ttorn~y •
to pre}~are an ordinance covering garbage collection within
the City.
St.Supt.Ewing was instructed by the Council to look
into any necessary repairs tk~at might be required on
Nevada ~t.before the coming of the vrinter rains.
Clains against the General Fund in the amount
af $~23.$Q~the `~ater Fund in the amount of $ 616.32~
and the "~later ~eposit rund in the amount of $ T2.p0
were audited~approved and ordered paid.
No fu~ther business appearing and upon motiom
the meetin~ was adjourned.
~TTEaT. ~ w ~
Arroyo Grande~ C~,lif.
Oct. 2I~ 1942.
The C~ty Council met in regul~.r session with D~ayor
J.~.Gibson presiding.
Upo~ roll call Councilmen phillips,Schnyder~
Thelander and ~enny reported present.Absent none.
l~inutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Comm~anications read and ordered filed.
There was a long discussion concerning the advisability
of passing a City ordinance backing up the request oP the
~ederal ~:ilitary r~uthorities regarding 1~r Proclamations
No.IO 8r I2.
Ordinance ~ ( gertaining to the above subject}~
was read for the first time. ~
The Cc~uncil authorized the removal of the Air ~?aid
~~arnin~ Signal from its present location on the roof of
the Fire Fiouse to the Lookout Station on Crown Hill.
Claims against the General Fund in the amount
oP $ 17.55 were audited~approved and ardered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion
the mseting was adjourned.
ATTE~T . • .