Minutes 1942-11-04 261- . Arroyo Grande~ CaliP. Nov. 4~ Io42. The Cfty Couneil met in regular session uvith ~a.yor ~ .~.Gibson pres3.ding. tJpon roll call Co~ne~lmen Phillips~Sehnyder~Thelander and ~ezin~r reported present.Absent none. ~+Iinutes Qf Previa~~s meeting reud and appraver as read. Comrrr~uunications read and ordered filed. Upon motion by Caunci~man ~chnyder~seconded by Cauncilman -`I'helander and unanimously passed~a second re~ading of the . Ordinanee ~8 r~as waived. QRI}IN~NCE ~8 ~tN QRDII~NCE (?F THE CITY QF ,~RROYQ GRRl~'DE RELElTING Tf~ REa'FRIC~"ED LIGHTIN~. Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll eall. ~lYE a. . COUNC IL~!tE~ GIB,C}N ~ P~LLI~ ~ SCHNYDFR ~ THE~1~i~R AND ~F~P~ . NOE . NQ~E. ~l1B~ENT.. NO1~TE. Claims against the General Fund in the amount oP $~~Q.08,the t~ater Fund in the amount of ~ 5Z9•3~,and the ~~ter ~~asit Fund in the amaunt Qf $ 4$.QQ were aud.ited~ approved an ardered paid. - No further business appearfng and upon motion the meeting ~ras adjaurned. ' O~ GFi ~TTE~T. ~ ~r~~~ ~ C I'I`~ K. ~~4R . .~rroyo Grande~Calif. Nov. 18, .L942. The City Council met in regul3r session ~r~ith l~ayor ~.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Thelander and ~denny reported present.Absent Councilman Phillips. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as re~.d. Communicatior,s read and ardered filed. Claims a~.inst the General Fund in the amount af ~~45,6~ 4vere auc3ited~a.pprov~d and ardered paid. No further business appearing and upQn motian the meeting was adjourned. f : , _.S~SL' ~ . • ~~'T'E5T . . _ . C ITY C K. 1dA