Minutes 1942-11-18 26-1 ~ t~rroyo Grande, Calif. Nov. 4 ~ Io42. The City Council met in regular session uvith ~ayor ~.~.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Counc~lmen Phillips~Schnyder~Thelander and ~enn~r repc~rted present.Absent none. ~inutes Qf previaus meeting reud and appraver as read. Com~nicatians read and ardered filed. Upon motion by Caunciiman ;chnyder~seconded b~ Councilmaa :`I'helander and unanimously passed~a secand readin~ 02` the . Ordinanc~ 78 was wa3ved. ~RnINl~TCE ~ 78 ~ f?RDI~lNCE QF THE CITY QF .~RROYQ GRAIQDE REL~iTING TC3 RE~TRICTEI} ~IGHTIATG. Passed and adopted by the following vote on ro21 eall. ~lYES. . COt~NC IL~'!E~ GIB~N ~ PHILLIF~S ~~CHNYl3ER ~ T~NI~ER A1VI? ~ . RT~E~. . 1~TONE. allB~. . NOI~TTE. Clsims against the General Fund in the amot~nt oP $?~p.OB,the t~ater Fund i~ the amocrnt of ~~Ig.3p,and the W~ter ~gosit Fund in the amount of $ 48.QQ were sudited~ approved an ordered paid. - RTa further business appearing and upan motion the meeting ~ras a~journed. . ~TTE~~. C ITY . 1~1~QR . .~trroyo Grande ~Calif . Nov. IS, 1.942. The City Couneil met in regul~.r session with ~Hayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder?Thelander and ~enny r~eported present.Absent Councilm~n Fhillips. ~inutes of grevious meeting read and approved as read. Communicatiar,s read and ordered filed. Claims against the General Fund in the amount af $~4~.68 4vere auc3ited,approved and ordered ~aid. No further business appearing and upon motian the meeting was adjourned. ' ATTE'ST . • ~,.,~.c..~ _ ' C ITY C K. ~ g.