Minutes 1943-01-06 ~U~ . ~1rr~yo Grande ~ Calif . J~n. 6, 1943. The City Council met in regulax session with Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll cal~ Councilmen Thelander and i~enny reported present.Absent Cauncilmen Phillips and ~chnyder. ~:inutes of previous meeting read and 3pproved. ° Co~nunications read and ~rdered fi~ed. Upon motion~regularly moved~seconded and unanimously ~assed~the City Clerk was rerupsted to reply to the letter of ~~r.J.A~.~?~c~ean rel~tive to his accepting the position of City Auditar.He c~~s tc~ be rer~uested to cantact the City Couneil prio~ to ~~pril Ist. Upon motion by Councilman Thelanderiseconded by Councilm~n ~fienny and pas.ed with~ut di~sent the insurance policy presente~ here at this meetin~ by ~.Clirton Loomis as agent ~nd covering motor`vehicle ~nd mechanical ec~uipment o~r,med by the City was accepted. Chief Is~ Kenzie ~ave a report covering the fire risk at the local dance hall. on Branch St.He stated that alterations designed to correet this danger ~vere ~.Iready planned wou].d be proceeded with in the immediate future. T~e Couneil authorized the City Clerk to see Grundell of San Luis Obispo in regard to City ~ttorney business. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~?I4.58~ the ~~ter Fund in the a.mount of ~ 555•72~the ~ater Deposit Fund in the amount c~f $ 16.OO~~a~d the Street Improvement Fund in the amount of $ Z34.70 were audited~approved ~nd ordered paid. Na further business appearing and upon motion the meeting v~as adjourned. ~lT".I'E~T . ~ . _ CIT'Y C K, ~Yf~R. . I