Minutes 1943-05-19 26~ 9lrroyo ~ande~ Calif. , ~~r 5, 1943. ~ - The City Ct~uncil met in regular session r~ith ~layor J.;.Gibson presiding. t~pon roll call Couneilmen P°h3.llipsl~chr~yder~ Thelander and ~enn~r reported present..~lbsent none. ~inutes cP previous meetin~ read and approved. No communicationa appeared to be read at this me~tir~g. t7pon motion by Councilman Schr~yderls~conded by Couneilman Theiander and unan~mously passed the City Council appointed ~ir.Richard Harri~ to the pas3tion of City r~.ttorney of the City of ~t~rroyo Grand~~the salary to be $ 30.~~ per month~beg3ning with th~ date of ~a,y I,1943. ~fter discussion the Couneil authorized the painting of a red na parking si~n - the len~h of one car~on the curb~in front of the office oP the Ju~tice of the Feace. Cl,aims against the General Fund in the amount of $ 949. ~g ~ the ~?ater Fund in the ~rnount of ~ 55o.0I ~ the ~ater Deposit ~'und in the amount of $ 24.00 and the SpeciaT Gas Ta.c Street Tmprovement f'und in the amount af $ 48t3.19 were audited~approved and ordered paid. No f'urther business appearing arid upon motion ' the meeting v~as ad'ourned. J W • w ' r . ~iTTEaT. - CITY' CL, R. G~~'~y ; ~YC)R. ~rro~ Graade~ Calif. M~y 19, 1943 ~ r The City eouncil met in regular session~B~ayor Gib~on being absent ~ouncilman Phil].ips wa~ appointed cha.irman and aeting Mayor in his place. Upon roll call Couneilmen #~i.llips~Schnyder~Thels~nder a~nd ~enny reported present.~ibsen~ Ma„yor Gibson. ~ix~utes o~' previous meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered filed. ~.eommittee representing the Parent Teaehers Association appeared and d$seussed at 2en~th ~tth the Cou~cil the , problem of juv~nfle supervision.The Couneil ~ignified a willingness to support any intelligent pragram but deelared that it was not their place to work out th~ details of sueh a program. Upon motion by Counc3lman Thelander~secanded by Counci2man Schn~d~r and unanimously as~ed it vv~a.s ordered that the bid of ~ineau & I,oomis for $ 3~~.$b covering eost of sanitary fixtures and inatallation oP same at the City Park be accepted. ' ~'he dog ordinance question came up for further di~cussion I~ bet~een the Cpuncil and the eity Attorney.~t ~~~o~e~. ~I, agreed ~Co have an up tc date ordin~,nce cov~rin~ this ; situation ready for a First reading a.t the next mee~~g. I No further busines~ appearing and upon motion the ' meetin~ wa$ ad~ourn~d. ' ~iTTE~T. W' w' ~ . Y II~ - . _