Minutes 1943-07-07 272 ~ ~trroyo Grande~ Calif. ~ ~7 ~r::;~ July 7, 1943• ~ 'I'he Cit~ Couneil met in regular session with ~ayor J.S.~ibson presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder! Thelander and ~Ienny reported present.Absent none. Minutes of previous meet~.n~ read and approved. . Cornmunieations r~ad and ordered filed. ~ After discussion the Coune3l agreed to reimburse the Arroyo Gr d Gra~mar School for the full school year of 1942-~ for the pay of a crossing guardiat the rate of $ I0.0~ per month for each month he was ' employed.The Clerk was instrueted to draw a warrant at a future meeting covering this item. RESOLUTI4nT ~ T2I Resalution adopting budget and approving memorandum of a,greement for expenditure of ~ cent gas ta~c allocated for Streets of ~ajor importanee Passed and adopted by the fol2owing note on roll call. ~.Y~. . COUNCIL~II+T GIBSOl~ ~ PHILLI P~ ~ SCHNYDII~ ~ TH~ANDF~t AND MII~tNY. NOES . .I~ONE. ~ ~1BSEriTT. . NONE . RF.~OLTJTION ~ I22 Resolution approving memorandum oF agreement for expenditure oP ~ cent gas tax allocated for atate Hi ghways . Passed and adopted by the Pollowing vote an rell ca11.' ~~,fi. . COTJNCTLMEN GI BSON~ PHILLIFS ~ SCHIVY~ER ~ THII~?NDF~ AND ~F.~VNY. ' NOE~..NOItTEE. ~ABSENT..NONE. Claims a, inst the General Fund in the amount of $~3~$~~~he Water F~,ind in the amount of $'~43 • 58 ~ t he Wa ter Depos i t F~ a.n d in t he amount of 6.~O~th~ ~~a jJ~'~~a,~ Sp1.Gas Tax St.Imp.Ft,ind in the amount of ~ I424.00 and ~~d the St.~ssmt.Fund in the amount of $ 1631.42 wer~ , ~b~~ so audited~approved and ordered paid. °r ~o g•_ No further business appearing and upon motion o the rneeting was adjourned. ; . L(J, W,7'jo ~ a~, - ' . dATTEST. CITY CL s. A~Y4R. ~ ~ s~