Minutes 1943-07-21 27 Arroyo C~rande ~Cslif . , Ju 2SI4. 9 ~v ~ 3 The C~.ty Cpuneil met in re~u3ar session with ~a,yor - J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillip8~achnyder and Meriny repcrted present.~ibaent Couneilman Thelander. ~inutes oP previous meeting read and approved. There were no eomrrn~nications to be read at this meeting. ~r.E,?.~.Seharer appeared to protest exee8s water charged to him.This matter resulted in ~ lim~.ted diseussion oP various wa.ter problems. A~ir.Frank ~ontgomer~r appeared to inquire the sentiment of the Couneil in regard to a plan that he proceeded to outline~relative to instaliing a Ta~ci 5ervice in this City. The Council ind3cated approval of this idea. No further business appearin~ and upon motio~ the meeting was adjourned. ~TTE~T. W • o ~ CI T'~ C . ~OR ~ . : ~lrroyo C~rande ! Calif . ~aug.4,zg43. ? The eity Couneil met in regular session with I~or J.S.C~ibson presiding. Upon roll call Cc~uncilmen Phillips~Schr~yder~Thela~der and ~denny reported present..~Absent none. ~ima~es oP prev3ous meeting read and approved. . Commzxnications read and ordered filed. C3t~ Auditor ~rs.Florence Carnes presented the ~inu~,2 Re ort and u on motion b Councilman Theland~r P P seconded Y i by Councilman Philli s and unanimo~sl carried ~the Cou - P Y , n~i~ ordered that this report b~ approved and aecep~ed. I~r.&~rrell~representing the Arroyo Grande Grammar Sehool appeared to discuss with the Couneil the subjeet of City contribution to the pay o~ a crossing guard.The Couneil agreed to take this matter under advi~ement and to render a dec~sion in the near ftiture. Claims against the General Fund in th~ amount of ~~3~9 •18 ~ the N~ater F'und in the amount of $ 4~3.83 and the Water Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 8.~~ were audited? approved and ordered paid. No #lirther business appEaring and upon motion tbt~ meetirig v~a.s adjourned. ~ ,'r , ' ~TTEST. ~ CI TY, CLEf~ . MGAY4R . ? ,