Minutes 1943-09-15
27~ ~
~rroyo Grande~Calif. ~
The City Council met in regular session with
Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding.
Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder~
Thelander and ~tenny.reported present.Absent none.
Minutes of previous meetin~ read and appro~ed.
There were no comm~nications to be rea.d at this time.
Upon motion by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by
Councilman Menny and passed without dissent it was ordered
tha.t ~ 50~~.0~ be transfered from the General Fund into
the Capital Outlay Ftixnd.
After discussion-eontinued from the last meetin~~n
regard to the investing of surplus City ~'ater ~'~ands in
United States Bonds~it was agreed by unanimous:consent
to invest in serries F Bonds having a maturi~y value
of $~~00.40~at a present cost to the City af $ 3?04.04.
T'here wa8 a considerable discussion ot various
miscellaneous subjeets~including improvements at the
City Park~the Buildin,g Permit situationa.nd the matter
~ oP the formation of a$ome ~uard.
Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder~secended by
Councilman Thelander it was agreed that the Cfty
contribute the sum of ~ 15.0~ per month~payable each
month for the 1943-44 School Year for the ~rroyo
Grande Grammar School.This motion carried unanimously.
No further business appearing and upon motion the
mee~ing was adjourned.
. ~ ~ v \ . . .
CI TY CL . ~4,YOR .
~lrroyo Grande ~ Calif .
The City Couneil met in regular session ~i.th
Mayor J.~.Gibson presiding.
U~on roll call Couneilmen Phillips~~ehr.~yder~
Thelander and Menr~y reported present.~b~ent non~.
~Iinutes of previous meeting re~d and ~pproved.
The only corr~munication appearing was a rath~r
indef3nite ar~d ~vasive letter rece3.ved from the State
Compensation Insuranee Fund regarding coverage of City
Eanployees en~a~ed in helpin~ out at the Harvest Fe~tival.
There was a 2imited discussion of various misel.subject~.
Clairns against the General Fund in the amount
of $ 717.48lthe Water ~1,ind in the amaunt of $ 762.13~
tlze income T~ F~,ind in the amount of $ 83.64 ~
the Victory T€~ F'und in the amount af $ 23.50 and the
~ater Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 24.OQ were audited~
approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motian '~he
meeting wa.s adjourned.
ATTEST. r/U' T'~f" ° -
CI TY' K. ~YOR .