Minutes 1943-10-06
27~ ~
~rroyo Grande'Calif. ~
sept.I~t943 .
The City Couneil met in regular ~ession w3.th
~ayor ~.~.Gibson presiding. ,
Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder~ -
Thelander and Menny.reported present.Absent none.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
There were no comr~znieations to be read a.t this time.
Upon motion by Counei.lman Ph3.21ips~seconded by
Councilman Menny and passed c+vithout d3ss~ent it ~ras ordered
tha.t $ 50~~.04 be transfer~d Prom the General Fund into
the Capital Ou.tlay ~,nd.
After discussion-continued from the last meetin~~x~
regard to the investing of surplus City ~Nater ~nds in
United States Bonds~it was agreed by unanimous con~ent
to inv~st in serries F 13onds having a maturi~y value
of $ 5000.OO~at a present cost to the City of $ 3?00.04.
There was a eonsiderable discussion oP various
miscellaneous sub~ects~ineluding improvements at the
City Park,the Building Permit situationa.nd the matter
~ of the formation of a xome ~uard.
Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder~seconded by
Councilman Thelander it was agreed that the Cfty
contribute the sum of $ 15.00 per month~payable each
month for the 1943--4~4 School Year fcr the ~rroyo
Grande Gram4nar School.This motion carried una,nimously.
No further business appearing and upon mction the
mee~3ng was adjourned.
- ` G~~
~ Y
~rrdyo GrandelCalif.
The City Council met in regular session v~i.th
Mayor J.~.Gibsoa presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~~chnyder~
Thelander and Menr~,y reported present.~baent none.
~3.riutes o~ previous meeting read and €~pproved.
The only communication appearing was a rath~r
indefinite and evasive letter received from the ~tate
Compen~ation Insuranee Fund re~arding coverage of City
Employee~ engaged in helping out at the Harvest Festfval.
There was a limited discussion oP various miscl.subject~.
Clairns againat the General Fund in the amount
of $ 717.48~the Water Fund in the amount of $?62.13~
tl~e income Ta~ F~,ind in the amount o~ $ 83.6~ ~
the Victory Ta~c Fund in the amount of $ 23.}~0 and the
Water Deposit Fund in the a.mount of ~ 24.00 were auc~.ted~
approved ar~d ordered paid.
No ~urther business appearing and upon motion 'Ehe
meeting was adjourned.
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