Minutes 1943-10-20 277-
~rroyo Grandei Calif.
, 4ct. 20~ 1943,
' The City Couneil met in regular session with
~~ayor ~.S.Gibson presiding.
Upon ro31 call Councilmen Phillips and ~enny
r?ported present.~~bsent Councilmen Schnyder afld Thelander.
Minutes of previaus meeting read and approved.
No com~znications appeared at this time~
~here was a limited discussion of miscl. subjects~
~ ineluding writing of licenses by the City Marshall and
the problem of Sc~uirrels near the High School and the
City Reservoir Site.It was ruled that this latter be
attended to by the Marshall and ~pt.Ewing.
No further business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
:ATTE~~. w. LtIā¢~o _ . ~
.~Irroyo Grande~ Calif. ~
~tov. 3, z943.
The City Council met in regular session.~ayor G~.bson
being absent Couneilman Menny was appointed aeting Mayor.
Upon roll call Councilmen ~'hillips~Schnyder~Thelander
and ~Ienny reported present.~bsent ~dayor Gibson.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
T~ere were no communications to be read at this meeting.
The matter of an error t2~at appeared in the ~_of
improvement valuations on ta~c bill # 2~2I was discussed
with the Couneil and the City i~ittorney.Th~ tAttorney agreed
to f'urnishthe proper forma for the correct handling oF this case and
to have them available at a later meeting.
Claims against the General F'und in the amount oP $ 857.97~
the ~ater Fund in the amount of ~ b6~.42 and the Water Deposit
Fund in the amount o~ ~ 36.00 were audited~approved ~nd
ordered paid.
No f.urther business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
T.f/ t!/- d l~
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