Minutes 1943-11-17 278 ~ Arroyo Grande~Calif. ~ ~ Nov.17,1943. The City Council met in regular session rn3.th Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen-~~~-- ~chnyder~ ' Thelander and Menr~y reported present. i~bsent Councilman Phillips. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. ' Communications read and ordered filed. A communication from the Secretary of the San Luis Obisno County Planning Commission relative to Civic post War Planning came in for a long but non conclusive discussion. The City Attorney explained the proper procedur~ to correct over assessment of improvement valuation levied as per tax bill # 252I. There was a short review of Buildin~; Permit Problems. There was sor~e discussion of 5idewalks and of Farking Spaces.The Council instructed ~.ipt.Ewing to follow the Ordinanees covering these cases. No further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ATTE~T .._SL~w ' , i ~r CI TY CL~t K M-~0.YOR .