Minutes 1943-12-01 27~ ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. Dec . I ~ 1943 . The City Council met in re~ular session. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~ Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent Mayor Gibson. In the absence of Mayor Gibson Councilman Thelander was by a motion regularly movedsseconded and unanimously carried~aFpointed acting mayor to serve at this meeting. _ &Zinutes of previous meeting rea.d and approved. Communications read and ordered filed. communication from the City Auditor~Mrs Carnes su~gesting the cancellation of two old outstandin~ warrawn,ts,# 368 for $ 2.I0 and # 250 for ~ 30.00 in ~ the interest of simplifing and clarifing the City recards~ was discussed by the Council.Upon motion regularly moved~ seconded and passed without dissent it was ordered that outstan~.in~ City warr~nt # 368 for $ 2.20 be eancelled but that that the other warrant in c;uestion be not cancelled. There was more c?iscussion of Post I~ar Civic Planning. The Council agr eed that the City adhere to aims that were Iimited and conservitive in scope. The effiency of the Street Lights came in for a detailed discussion by the Council.~t.Supt.Ewin~ cvas instructed to contact the P.G.& E.Co.K~th a view of inviting one of their c~ualified e~erts to m~et with the Council at the next regular meeting to discuss the subject of a better ~t,iblic Li~hting 5ystem. A diseussion was held re~arding the matter of a shortage of ~arbage cans for municipal use.~upt.Eti~ring was ordered to get and put into place the necessary new ~arbage cans. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~ 796.88~ the Water Fund in the amount of $ 386.40 and the Water Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 16.00 were audited~approved and orclered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST. • W' ~ CITY C . M~~YOR.