Minutes 1944-01-05
280 ~
` 14rroyo Grande~ Calif. ~
Dec. 15~ 1943. ~
2'he City Council met in re~ular session with
Mayor J.~.Gibson pres3.ding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder~
Thelander and Menny reported present.~bsent none.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
There were no communications to be read at this time.
Mr.Roberts representing the Pacific Gas & Electric
Co. appeared and discussed with the Council the matter
of more powerful and efficient City ~treet Lights .A~'ter
long and complete review and diseussion of this sub~eet
it was moved by Couneflman Phillips~seconded by Councilman
- Thelander and unanimously passed that the City atreet
Lights hence forth be as follows~twenty four I04 Candle ~
Power~thirteen 400 Candle Power and forty two 50 Candle
Power 2ights.
In a continuation of the discussion relating to the
matter of Post ~ar Civic Planning the Council ~ave its
approval to the following four point pro~ram~ I- 6A ATew
City Ha11~ 2 ~ Extension and renewal of City ~later Lines~
Sewers for the V~estern ~.ddition and 4_ 1~ B~unicipal
water ~oftner ~ystem.
No f'urther business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
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~ATTE~T. -,.,.~•LL~t:. : K~
~irroyo Grande~ Calif,
Jan. 5, 1944..
The City eouncil met in regular session with
Mayor J.S,Gibson presiding.
Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~achnyder~
Thelander and Menny reported present.~ibsent none.
. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communications read and ordered filed.
Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder~seconded by
Councilman Thelander and unanimously passed the Cauncil
voted a special grant of $ I00.00 as additionaT compensation
to .~Assnt.4Yater ~ipt.Routzahn~to be paid out of the ~'ater ~
esa~~s against the General Fund in the amount
of $ 760.II~the Water ~'und in the amount of $ 698.94~the
Income Tax Fund in the amount of $ I46.40~the at.~~smt.
Fund in th~ amount of $ 89.80 and the Water T3eposit Fund
in the amount of $ 20.00 wer~ audited~approved and
ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
,I` G~
'~TTEST. ' W ~ o
CI T~ C K. M~4YOR .