Minutes 1944-02-02 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 8 ~
Arroyo Grande~ Calif.
, Jan. Ig, 2944.
The City Council met in re~,ular session with
~Iayor J.~,Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Phi7.lips~~chnyder~
Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent none.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communications read and ordered filed.
- Upon motion by Couneilman Schnyder~seconded by
~'ov,+c..Jt,~ ~elander and passed w3.thout dissent,the Council
agreed to accept the bid of Robert Rountree to furnish
G~tsol3ne to the City for the year T944 at a priceof
I~cents per gallon.
Na f'urther business appearing and upon motion
the meeting was adjourned.
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:AT'I'E~T. ~ ~
~ ~lrroyo Grande ~ ~alif .
Feb . 2 ~ 1944..
The City CouneiT met in regular session with
Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen ~hillips~achnyder~
Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent none.
r~inutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communications read and ordered filed.
There v,~ere short discussions of a few miscl.
sub~jeets but nothing of ~ufficient ma~nitude to
require permanent record.
Claims against the Gencral Fund in the amount
of $ 815.52~the Water Fund in the amount of $ 363.60
and the Water Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 16.00
were audited~approved and ordered paid.
No further business appe~ring and upon motion
the meeting was adjourned.
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~TT~T. ~
CI C K. ~g~'` OR.