Minutes 1944-03-01 Arroyo Grande ~ Calif . G o~
Mar. I~ 1944.
The City Council met in regular session with
M~,yor J.S.Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Thelander
and Menny reported present.~Absent Counciiman P'hillips.
I~Zinutes of previous rneeting read and approved.
There were no eommunications to be read at this time.
The following notice of election was read~approved and
ordered published in the Herald~tecorder.
Notice is hereby ~iven that a General Municipal Election
will be held in the City of ~rroyo Grande~on ~l.iesday~the
Eleventh day of '~nri1~1944 for the followin~ officers.
Three Councilmen - - - - - _ Full 2erm.
One City Clerk - - _ _ _ _ _ Full Term.
One City Treasurer Full Term.
There will be one voting precinct for the purpose of
holding said election~consisting of the consolidation of the
regular election precincts established for holding atate and
County elections as follows.. Consolidated voting precinct A
comprisin~ State and Co~anty precinets numbers Arroyo Grande~
- One~Twa and Three and the polling place thereof sh~.ll be at
the Arroyo Grande City Hall.
The z~olls v~rill be open between the hours of 3.00 O~cloek
. A.M. and 7.00 O~clock P.M.
The foll_owir~~ n~meci ~ersons have been duly appointed as
° election officers for the holdin~ and eonducting said electi~t
N~~ELY. .
INSP~CTOR - - - - - - _ _ _ Myrtle Bailey
JUDGE___--------Ruth S~rrall
C~~ - - _ - _ - _ - - _ LauisRRalph and Annetta M.
In all p~rticulars such election shall be held and
conducted in the manner provided for the holding and conducti
of Municipal elections in said City and in aceordance with
> the Laws of the State of Cali.fornia applicable thereto.
Dated this Ist~day of fl~2arch~1944
W.W.Routzahn~City Clerk.
The compensation to be ~aid to the election officers
for the Municipal Election to be held Anril TIth.1944 was
set at the sum of Six Dollars 6.00 ~ eaeh.
Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder~seconded by
Councilman Thelander a.nd unanimously carried it v~ras ordered
that an a~reement be entered into between this City and
the Bank of America increasing the City Active Deposit Fund
~ ~ to $ 25000.C0. ~ ~ ~
~'pon motion by Councilman Schnycer~seconded by Councilman
Thelanc~er and p~~~,ed ~.--ithout dissent it was a~reed to increase
the salary of Police Chief MeKenzie to $ 550.00 per month~this
increase to start ~~ith Mar.Ist.
TJpon motion~regularly moved~seeonded and iinanimously
passed '~,ipt.~win~ was authorized to see about ~etting a
~.imp pump for City use.
Claims a~ainst the General Fund in the amount of $?7~.~6
: the ~~'ater Fund in the ~mount of $ 633.13 and the Water Deposit
Fund in the amount of$ 8.00 were audited~approved and ordered
paid. ~ ~ ~
No further business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
, ; ~
C I C K. ~ lU~=;~YOR.