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Minutes 1944-04-19 2 8'~
-`~rroyo Grande ~ Calif .
~.z~ri 1 T9,1944.
The City Couneil met in regular session.
Upon roll eall Co~ancilmen Phillips~5e2~n.yder and
~tenny reported present.~bsent l~ayQr Gibsor~ and
Councilman Thelander.
In the absene~ of ~;a.yor Gihson and upon motion
re~ularly made~secanded and unanimously passed~
Counca~lman Phillins was anpointed acting ~fa3ror to
serve at this meeting.
~°inutes af the l~st re~,ular meeting ~A~ril 5th.
~ ~.nd the s~?ecial meetin~ of .~pril 18th. ~~Fere read
and a~proved.
There v~ere na com~a.znicat~.4ns to be read at this time.
The neu~ly elected City Officials ~aere s~vorn in .
Curfe~~ C}rdinances in use by the Cities of Faso
Robles and Bakersfie3d ~aere read to the Coune~l
by the City Attarney.
Claims a~air~st the General Fund in the amount
of $ 39 .83 ~ the ~Tater Fund in the amaunt of $ 79 .I
and the V;~ter Deposit ~'und i~i the amoun~ of $ 92.~3
~aer~: audited~approved and ordered paid.
i~o further bu~iness a~~earing and upon matian
the meeting ~as adjourned.
ATTEST. w' a ~