Minutes 1944-04-28
288 ~
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Arroyo Grande, California,
A~ril 2~, 1g44
T~e ~ity ~ouncil met in special se~sion ~rith ~ayor Gibson
~residing, present ~ouncilmen Schnyder, ~~~enny, PhiZ~ips and
Lierly~ absent nane.
TF~e Ta~ayar ~nounced that this meeting ~.s c~lled for the
pur~ose af accepting the res~~nation af ~rs. ~I~e KetcIIluum, ~ity
The Clerk exp2ained that the v~ark ~raas such that ah~ cauld
not carry on without ca~peten~ instruetion over ~ perzod of
time. F~arry Tr~zesdale has been assisting the elerk~ but on
account af` ~.is ~ea.lth could not continta.e. It ~~:s at his
su~gestian that Mrs. Ketchum shauld not attempt to earry an
alone due ta the heavy v~ork of t~e office far the next
several months.
After a thorou~h discussion Couneilman Meflny made ~ ~
motio~~ seear~ded by Couneilman H. R. Phillips9 that the
resignation be acc e~ated. '~he motion ~ra~ unanimousTy earri ed.
Cou~cilman SeYznyder m~.de a motion~ seconded by
Cauncil~an Phillips, that ~rs. Ec3na M. Schillir~g be
ax~poi~ted elerk ta fill the ~acaney: Ayes, Councilmen
~ibsar~, Philligs, ~enr~, Sehn~der and Lierly.
~i mQtiQn ta ~.d~aurn by Couneilman ~e~.nyder ~ras
seconded by Couz~cilman Phillips.
~ e- ~
Mae C. T~etehum, ~ity ~Ierk.
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