Minutes 1944-05-17
!~rroyo" Grande ~California. '
1~i2~i; l 6',1944
City Council met in re~alar session with ~n<ayor J.S.Gibsan
Upon roll ~call C'ounc~.lmen ~hillips ~T~ienny and Lierly reported
present.Councilman ~chnyder absent:
l~Zinutes of the previous meetir~.~ rzad and approved as read.
Communic~.tions re~.d and ordered ~laced on file.
I~ was ~~gularly ~aoved,seconded and carried that t~ze clerk ,
c~ncel 2i,censes RTOS~3~~7,3R94, 3g°0,4210,~-317 & 4398,asthe .
parties were nat in businesstivhen ~''hese 2icenses were written.
There vras a len~thy discussion on the collection of water
bills~and it wa~ ~cidedto turn the older bills over to the
City Attorney ~or Colleetion.
t3pon motion by Cuuncilrian ~Fenny,seco ded by Councilr~an
Lierly~ motion c~:rried that the City clo~'ribute $100.00 ~o
the C~ty Fire Department.
Claim a~ainst the General Fund in the amount of $273.71
wa.s auditedy approved and order~d paid. ~
l~To further busi.ne~s ~ppearin~ and upon ~rotion the meeting ~
was adjourned.
~ttest:%~to•G~'`.T.~~ ~ ~ v~` .r..
City Clerk. ~iayor.
~rroyo Gr~nde, Ca~ifo~nia
June 7, 194a
The City Cauncil .~et in re~ul~r session ?n~ was called to order
by tl.e C'it~~ C'.le'!''k. ~
f?pon rall call ~'ouncil~:en Fhillips ~~chnyder, ~~enny a.nd Lierly
reported present. ~~ayor Gibsor. absent.
~gotion regul~rly second~d ~nd carried~ Councilman Lierly be actin~
Pb~~yo_r .
~krinutes o~' grevious meeting read and approved as read.
Commur.ications read an~. ordered z'iled. ~
~fter a discussion on the busine~s license sittzation~ a motion
was Mac~e by Councilm~n Schnyder~ seconded by Councilman Phillips
to ch~r~e n~~rs. Conro~r ~.nc? ~~ss Gullickson the same amount as the ~
other clothin~ stores. Passed and adopted by the following votes: '
Ayes-- Councilm~.n ~chr~5rder, Phillips
?To e s-- G ounc i~man Itlenny
r~`oved~ seeonded ar~ carried that Luzz '~arber an~ ~?eauty shap
be char~ed $j.00~ ~ for t,he Beau~y Shop
~:oved, seeon~ed~ ~nd carried to purchase from surplus v~.ter funds
U9 Gov't. L3onds wit?~ a maturity value of ~'7~00.
Rills ~~ainst the General ~'unc~ in the amount of .~~881. ~'4 and the
water fund of ~~66.9Q. Ti~e ~^.~ter fund of 35.43 were audited~
approved ~.nd ordered paid.
"To further busir.e~s a~pe~rin~ ~nd upon motion the meetin~ was
4ttest: ^
City Cler , r~~ayo