Minutes 1944-06-07
~90 ~
~rroyo Grande,California.
City Council met in re~alar session with ~~~ayor J.S.Gibson
Upon roll~call Cauncilmen Phillips~~~ienny and ~ierly reported
present.Councilman 5chnyder a.bsent:
Minutes of the previous meeting re3d and approved as read.
Communications re~a and ordered ~laced on file.
Ij~ vras ~^agularly r:~~ved,seconc~ed and carried that the clerk ,
c~.nce1 2icenses RTOS~3~~7~3~94~ 3930~4210,4317 & 4398~asthe ~
parties were not in businesswhen ~hese licenses were written.
T~here w~as s lengthy discussion on the collectzon of water
bills,and it was ~cidedto turn t~.e older bills over to the
City Attorney for Collection.
tlpon motion by Cnuncilman ~Fenny~seco ded by Councilr~an
Lierly, motion c~rried that ~he City co~"ribute ~100.00 ~o
the Czty Fire Department.
Claim a~ainst the ~eneral ~'und in the amount of ~273.71
v~r~.s auditedy approved and ordered paid. ~
l~To further bus3ne~s appearin~ and upon rrotion the meeting
w~s adjourned.
~ tt e s t : %~j~, . ~a~~l~ " u ' vU `
City Cl.erk. B~Iayor.
Arroyo Gr~ncie, Ca~ifornia
June 7, 1944
The City ~ouncil r~et in re~ul~r session ?n~ ~vas called to order
by t'~e ~it~t C"lerk. '
~?bon roll c~.ll ~'oizncilmen Phillips ~ Schny~er, h?enny and I,ierly
reported present. ~,~a:yor Cibsor. ~~~sent.
r~otion regula,rly secon~a~d and earried, Councilman Lierly be actin~
R'~3rpr .
~~rinutes o~' previous meating rea~ and a~proved as read.
Commur.~c~.tions read and ordere:d fiTed. ~
~fter a discussion on the busine~s license sitczation~ a motion
was M?de by Councilman ~chnyder~ seconded by Councilman Phillips
to ch~r~e ~~rs. Conro~r~ ~.nc? P."rs Gullickson the same amount as the ~
other clothin~ stores. Passe~ and adopted by the followin~ votes:
Ayes--- Councilman ~chnyder ~ ~'hillips
rToes- Councilman Itienny
T.Toved~ seconded ar~ carried that Buzz ~?arber and Beauty shap
be charged $3.00, ~ for the Be~.uty Shop
~Toved, seeon~ed~ ~nd earried to purchase from surplus v~,~.ter funds
U3 Gov't. Eionds with a m~turity value of ~~Q00.
Rills ~~ainst the ~eneral ~'und in the amount of ~$81.54 ~.nd the
water fund of ~566.9Q. TI~e ~^~ater fund of 35•43 were audited~
approved and ordered paid.
A~o further busir_e~s ?ppe?rin~ .~nd upon motion the meetin~ uvas
~ttest:~~.~~..,~ ~ ~
City Cle "rk ~Ra o
Y .