Minutes 1944-06-21 291 ~rroyo Grande~Caiif. June 21,1q44. The City Council met in regular ses~ion with 1l~favor ~.S.~ibson presidin~. ~ Upon roTl eall Councilmen Phillips~5chnyde~~R~~enny and Lierly reported present. g~inutes of the previous meeting were read and app~oved ~.s read. REaOLUTION # 1~? ~ Resolution adoz~tin~ budget app~ovir~:mer~ci~andum of , agreement for expenditures of ~~4 centg~.s tax allacatedfor Streets of I~a j or Importanc e. Passed and adopted by the failowing v4te on roZl call: Ayes:CouncilmenGibsan~Phillips~~chnyder,~~enr~y and Li.erly. Noess None. Abs ent : ~t'one . ~~otion regularly seconded and earriedto +charge $7~.00 per month of the Chief of Police S~lary from the ~~otar Vehi~le in Lieu Fees. There was further diseussior~ on the collection of licenses and Chief of Police C.A.~Iekenzie was instructed to eollect licenses from the operators of the auto courts. Upon motion by ~ouncilmanPhillips,seconded by Councilman n~le.:~uly~past Mayor J.~.Gibson vaas unanir~ously elected to con~inue ixi that capacity, Upor~ suggestion of Councilman Phillips the board looked over the books and records of the City. No further business appearing and upon motion tl~e~meeting was adjourned. Attest:~_ ,wo N , City Cl~rk. Mayor. ~~rroyo ~r~_r.de,~a.~if'. ~uly 5~~`?44. ~i'~e C; t~,r Co,~nc il met ? n regular sesCion th ~~ayor S. ''i~G~r. ;-~re~- ~in~. j'~on roll call ~"a~.ir.c~ lmen :~hi~lz~s ~ =chr~v~er,R.'enny ~nd Lierly r~rorted tre~pnt. The min~ztes c~° t?^~e ~revi o~as meeting were r~ad. anc~ ~nprover~ ~is re=~d. cor.imunicati~n -`'rom t~e Lea~*ue o~' California Cities in ' re~~r~ to t~ie Sta:±e ~ost~^rar rur_c~ ~,~s discuGsed. The Cities ~ ~lloc~tion `_'or ~lans ~~~as ~1~21.CC =~n~ ~b15.C0 for s~tes~a total of ~1^36.C~0. Street ~uperi.ntenc?e~t ~'~;ing =~sked a~out surf~cin~; Grand :=ver.ue to Cier.eg~ ~oad ~aftnr discuGsi ~o~t~ on by Counci.l- man '~.chr.yder, secor~.ed ry C~unci lman L3_e~r~'y^ ~Ara_s~'instructed to proceec? t°:ith the t^rork. ',Npointmer.t of t~e follo~,in~ four Com.mittees ~~:~s ~_nnouncec? by P~~~yor ~ .~.Cibson. : ~inance: Co~zncilmnr_ ~'hilli~s anr~ P~'_enny. ~ ~tree~s,P~rk. ar3 ?'ov~~~r Pro~erty: ~ ~ ~ Co?~r.cilr.len Lierly ~n~? T"enny. Poliee , ~'ire and ~ ail: Co~zr.cwl~en ~chn}rder anr? Lierly. ter Dept : Councilmen Phillirs~~chn,yder and P~enny. ~ills agaa.nst the rener~ l unc~ ~'or. ~~?04.42 ~ the ;'.3a_ter Func~. i,6?9.10,t?~n ~¢'~ter ~e:~osit ~'und ~ 52.OC~ ~nd the Income Tax Func1 $I~6.OC ~~:~e~~~ ~~~c3it?~?~ ,ap~rave~ ~r.c~ orrered r~_z.d. "'o furt~~er btzsiness apnearin~ ,on moti~n the meeting v~~^zs aajcurned. I ' i Atte~~t• ~~~J~ ~~;~%i.~~ ~ ~ ~ City C1erk. ~ ' ~ yor.