Minutes 1944-08-02 293
~rro~o Grande~G~2if.
Au~ust 2~1~44.
~ The City Council rnet in regular sessionwith 1~ayor J•S.
Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Cauneilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~enny and
Lierly reported present.
~~inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as rec~d.
Cammunications were read and plaeed on file.
Several prop~rty owners from ~le~t,ern Addition were present
to ask ~ha~t was 3aeing done abvut a sewer system in th$t dist-
ri~.The ~tter ~,va.s ~iscussed and the Cour~cil assured them
they would go ahead witYt a scxrvey.
The sub~ect of house numbers ~ra.s brought up and the clerk
was in$tructed to look up the ordinance.
There was more discussion on the sct~jert of an en~ineer
to make the survey far the ~estern E~ddit~on set~ .~otian
by Caunc i lman ~chn~rder ~ s ee onded by Cotzne i lm~n ~,3 er~Zy~ moti on
earried that ~tr.Ben Courad b~ asked to make the sur~tey and
Ma~or Gibson wa.s asked to eontaet him to see if while he
was d~~~ t,he sewer surv~yhe could also establish stre~t
A ne~ City Hali Site ~ras a~so discussed and theydecided
to inq~zir~ about several loeations.
Bills against the ~ener~l F'und for $7~7.I~i~the ~~ter 1{und
. for $376.93 And the ~ater ~eposi~ ~und fnr $20.Oa w~re audited~
approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon ~otion the meetin~
was adjour~ed. -
~ ~
~ ^
Attest : ' .
Ct~g Clerk. ~ ~ ~ayor.
~rro~o Grande~Calif.
Ac~gust 16,1q~4
~he City ~nuneil met in regular`session with~ayar ~T.S.
Gibson presiding.
Upon roll ca11 Couneilmen Phillips~Schnyder and Lierly
reported present.~bsent Couneilman ~'enny.
The min~tes af the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
~ommunieation vuas read and placed on file.
~ayor Gibson repor~ed on his talk with I~~r Conrad 3n regard
to establishing stree~ grades while doing the se~rer survey in
Western ~cidition and said there ~rould nattzr~~ly have to be an
extra eharge,but it ~rauld be cheaper tharr to do it separately.
~o~ion by Councilman 5chny~der~seeonded by ~ouncilm~an Phillips~
motion carried to have I~4r Conrad proceed wi.th both a sewer and
a street survey.
Chief of Police C.,~.~cKenzie was instructed to write a letter
~o B~r Gordon Garland to see if something eould be done in ~e-
~ard to the traffiII on ~ar~cb~ S~re~t~and there ~as al~a.some
diseussior~ on the su'~ject of ~etting control oP the street
fro~n the state high~ray sys~em. It ~s aI.so suggested ta Yzave
one hour parking bet~een the Post Office and the bank but~~no
action was taken.
'~he clerk ~as instructed to prepare hvuse numbers for~ the
districts ~rhich ~ere not in c2uded before.
The Cnuneil looked over the An~al Audit and a 1~otion by
Councilr~an ~chnyderlseeonded by Couneilman Lierly,motion carried
tha~t the audit be accepted. '
Gn motion by Councilman Schnyderlseconded by Count~il~an Pfii113ps
motion carried tc~ dispense with the4~services of an aud:itor for the ;
present and the clerk v~a.s instrueted to so notify Mrs Floa~ence ~i
Carnes. ~
The tax rate for the current year ~s discussed and on motion i
by Cauncilman Phillips ,seconded by Councilma.n Lierly~ the current ~I
rate ~a.s set as follows ~General Fund $l.C~~Se~ner Bond fund ~.2~ ~I
Capital .~~a.y ~"und $.1~ ~king a. t,otal rate of $I.30 0~ each ,
$10C}.00 of assessedrvaluatio~. '
I~o further business appearing ac~d upam motian the me~ting vvas ,
adjourned. I
~ ~ _ ~ F . ~ ~i
' ~
i ~
~'tr'~`.C'8~`,: ~ , -f.* '
City Clerk . ~