Minutes 1944-08-16 29~~ ~rroyo Gra~nde~C~I~f. Atz~;us;t 2 ~1944. - The City Eouncil met in regular session~vith l~apor J•S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll eall Couneilmen Pfiillips~~chnyder,~exiny and Lierly reported present. ~Jiinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved a.s rec~d. Communicatior~s ~ere read and placed on file. Several property owners from ~estern Addition ~vere present to ask v~hat was ~eing done abou~ a sewer system in th~t dist- rii+~.The matter was ~iscussed and the Cou~cil assured them they would go ahead with ~ survey. The subject of hoase numbers wa.s brought up and the clerk was instructed ta look up the ordinanee. There wa~ mare discussion on the s~~je~t of an en~*ineer to make the survey for the ~'estern Addit~on ser~z .A~otion by Counc i lman ~ehnyder ~ s ec onded b~ Cotzne i ln~€n I,i erlg~ moti on carried that ~.Ben Conrad b~ asked to m~ke the survey and 1S~ayor Gibson wass asked to eontaet him ta see iP while he was dm~~g the sev~er surveghe coul.~i also esta~blish street gr~des. nevr City Hali Sfte ~a.s a~ so discussed and. theydecided ta inq~zire about several locations. Bi lIs against the Genera2 F'und for ~?~7.2.6 ~ the l~ater F~~d . for $3?6.93 ~nc~ the ~ater Ueposi~G F'und fvr ~20.~~ were audited~ approved and or~dered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion th~ meeting was adjourned. - p~ , ~ ~ Attest s- /Sl,sa ~ ,/?'.l~ ~ , ~ Ci~g Clerk. ~iayor. Arroya ~rande ~ Calif`. Aug,t~st 1b,1944 The City ~'nuncil met in regular session vyith~iayor ~~'.S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Couneilmen P~311ips~~chn~rder and I.~erly reported pre~ent.l~bsen~ Councilman li~enny. ~he minutes af' the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Gomm~znieation vua.s read and placed on #'ile. Mayor ~ibson reported on his talk v~ith ~~r Conrad in regard to establishing street grades while doir~ the se~er survey in Western ~ddition and said there would natura~ly have to b~ an extra eharge~but it ~rould be cheaper tharr to do it separately. ~Io~i on by Counc i].ma.n 5chnyder ~ s ec onded by ~ounc i I:m~an Phi llips ~ motion carried to have ~hr Conrad proce~d vv3th both a sewer and a street survey. Chief of Police ~.~.~ieKenzie was instrueted to write a letter to ~r Gardon Garland to see if something could be done ~n re- gard to the traffis on £~aaCh S~reet~and there ~ras alao;~some discussiort on the sut~jeet of getting eontrol of the street from the state highway system. It ~ras aZso suggested to have one hour parking be~ween the Post (3ffice and the bank buta~~o actio~t was taken. `I'he clerk ~as instr~ucted to prepare house numbers for the districts ~rhich arere not in cluded before. ~ The Couneil laoked o~rer the Anr~zal Audit and a l~otion by j Couneilman Sehnyder~seconded by Cou.ncilman Lierly,motion carried ~ tha~t the audit be aceepted. G~ motion by Ceuncilman Sehnyder~seconded by Coun~il~an FFliiill3ps I motion carried tQ dispense wit,h the~~s~rvices of an auditor for the present and the elerk was instru~ted to so notify Mrs Florence ~ Carnes. i The tax rate ~or the current year ~s discussed and on motion by Conncilman Phillips ~seconded by Councilman Lierly the current ''I rate ~a.s set as follows ~~eneral Fund $l.C'~~~e~r Bond Pund $.20 , Capital .~~ay ~u.nd $.ld making a total rate of $I.30 0~ eaeh I $1~0.0~ oP assessedcvaluatio~. I N4 further business appearing and upa~s motian the me~ting ~as adjourned. ' , ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ , r:' 7 i ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ! J! , ~lttest: ` , Cit~ Clerk 1 _